Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Library Information Studies (course)-Describing and Analysing Assignment

Library Information Studies (course)-Describing and Analysing Information Resources(Unit)-Dublin Core Metadata - Assignment Example Dublin core metadata is useful in many in various institutions such as libraries, government institutions, scientific research centers, web page, authors, business requiring more searchable sites and corporations with vast knowledge management systems. Meta data serves the same functions in resource discovery as cataloging done by resource to be found by relevant criteria. Identifying resources and resources together and also helps in distinguishing dissimilar resources and giving local information about a book, web page or an album. The following are some of the core importance of Metadata. This is according to the book (Understanding Metadata pages1-2) that has carefully been examined.ORGANISING ELECTRONIC RESOURCE; a number of web-based resources grow exponentially, aggregate sites or portals are increasingly useful in organizing links to resources based on audience or topic. This is an important aspect for mp3 albums’ such as the one we are looking at in this paper is there anybody out there also WebPages and e ­-libraries where one can read a book like The Thief. (Andrew, 2012) defined metadata schemes, shared protocol, and crow walks between schemes, resource across the network can be searched more seamlessly. Elements such as identifier are important in a metadata schema for interoperability and that is why it is present in books. DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION; most Meta data schemes include elements such as standards numbers to uniquely identify the work or object to which the metadata refers. The location of a digital object may also be given using a file name, URL (Uniform Resource Locator), or some more persistent identifier such as PURL (Persistent URL) or DOI digital object identifier. Persistent URL identifiers are preferred because object location often change, making the standard URLS (therefore the metadata record). Here elements such as the copyright, help in digital

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Breakthrough in Science and Technology Essay Example for Free

A Breakthrough in Science and Technology Essay The computer is an amazing machine. Nowadays , we are living in the computer age and most of our day to day activities can not be accomplished without using computers. The computer has become an indispensable and multipurpose tool. We are breathing in the computer age and gradually the computer has become such a desire necessity of life. It is difficult to imagine life without computer. The computer is a latest breakthrough in science and technology because of the history of its development and the advantages of the computer as well as the prospect of it in the future. The history of computer‘s development includes four generations. The first generation computers were invented in the 1940s and 1950s. ENIAC was the world first successful electronic computer. It was invented by two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchy. It was very huge and big. Its weight was 30 tones. It could store only limited or small amount of data. The second generation computers were invented from 1955 to 1960. The first transistor computer was created at the University of Manchester in 1953 and the most popular of transistor computers was IBM 1401. Its transistors were used as the electronic component instead of vacuum tubes. The size of computer was decreased and it became much smaller than that of earlier computer. Next, the third generation computers were invented in the 1960s. They were invented in 1964. IC was used as the electronic component of computers. Those computers were developed by T. S. Kilby . They had huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed. Then, the fourth generation computers were invented from 1971 to now. This is the generation we are working today. Smaller computers have become available. The computer has many advantages . It has become an important household item . It has become an indispensable device for us in the office , home or school . The computer helps people do many things quicker and faster than they did before. A very clear evidence is that documents can be composed without papers The computer allows the user to create documents , edit , print and store them so that they can be restricted later . Using the computer , one can remain connect to the world through the internet . The internet allows people from around the world to communicate with other people through chatting, email, etc. People can also share knowledge, ideas and experiences in any field. Moreover , the computer is a wonderful device for people to entertain and relax such as listening to music , watching films , reading newspapers , playing games and so on . Nowadays , the computers are widely used for education and training purposes. In fact, the computers have become a learning tool for students . Nowadays, there are many universities that provide online degrees, which are advantages for those people staying in remote areas and for disabled. One can take the benefit of such online degree programs staying at home without the need of relocation. The computers are also used for training purposes. Many companies use them to train their staff. The prospect of the computer is that the computer will be used to create more sophisticated computers. May be, everything would be a computer. The computers will be so complex. They will bring a lot of benefits. They will be able to fly planes and they will be able to coordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport. Furthermore, the computer not people could colonize the other planets and explore the galaxy. All in all, the computer is a wonderful device. Because of the history of its development, the advantages of the computer and the prospect of it, the computer has made a big breakthrough in science and technology. In fact, we live in a technological era, the computers have penetrated everywhere with all benefits they provide. We are satisfied with them and sometimes we even thank them because they help us in communicating, studying, doing business, entertaining and saving lives in critical situations.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Painful Childhood Experience Essay example -- essays research papers

Painful Childhood Experiences In a child’s world, there is always a lot of imagination. Children create worlds of their own out of their familiar surroundings, despite what adults tell them. The only way to let them realize the truth is to make them experience it, as Rosaura from â€Å"The Stolen Party† and An-mei from â€Å"Scar† do in their lives. Liliana Heker’s â€Å"The Stolen Party† and Amy Tan’s â€Å"Scar† share a similar theme. Both stories follow the perceptions of young girls. Although Tan’s â€Å"Scar† and Heker’s â€Å"The Stolen Party† share a distinct resemblance, they also differ. Rosaura suffers the pain that others give to her, but An-mei suffers it from her loved ones, such as her grandmother. The main similarity is that both Rosaura and An-mei suffered from the painful circumstances of their lives. Rosaura convinces herself that Luciana is her friend and that she has been invited to Luciana’s birthday party as any other guests. For Rosaura, there is the proof that every afternoon she goes to Luciana’s house and they do their homework together. That is all the evidence Rosaura needs to consider herself a friend to Luciana. She even helps out with some chores during the party thinking she has some sort of â€Å"special† status in the house because of her familiarity with Luciana’s home, as Heker states, â€Å"Rosaura was the only one allowed into the kitchen. Senora Ines, Luciana’s mother also says, â€Å"You yes, but not the others, they’re much too boisterous, they might break something.† Rosaura ha...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Raman Effect

Raman Effect : Raman scattering  or the  Raman effect  (  /? r m? n/) is the  inelastic scattering  of a  photon. It was discovered by  Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman  and  Kariamanickam Srinivasa Krishnan  in liquids,[1]  and by  Grigory Landsberg  and  Leonid Mandelstam  in crystals. [2][3] When  light  is  scattered  from an  atom  or  molecule, most  photons  are  elastically scattered  (Rayleigh scattering), such that the scattered photons have the same energy (frequency) and  wavelength  as the incident photons.However, a small fraction of the scattered light (approximately 1 in 10 million photons) is scattered by an excitation, with the scattered photons having a frequency different from, and usually lower than, the frequency of the incident photons. [4]  In a gas, Raman scattering can occur with a change in vibrational or rotational energy of a molecule (see  energy level). Chemists are concerned primarily with t he vibrational Raman effec Hargobind Khorana :   Indian-bornAmerican  biochemist who shared the  Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine  in 1968 with  Marshall W.Nirenberg  andRobert W. Holley  for research that helped to show how the  nucleotides  in  nucleic acids, which carry the  genetic code  of the cell, control the cell’s synthesis of proteins. Subramanian Chandrasekhar: was an  Indian  astrophysicist  who, with  William A. Fowler, won the 1983Nobel Prize for Physics  for key discoveries that led to the currently accepted theory on the later evolutionary stages of massive stars. [3][4]  Chandrasekhar was the nephew of  Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930.J. C Bose : was a  Bengali  polymath: a  physicist,  biologist,  botanist,  archaeologist, as well as an early writer of  science fiction. [5]  He pioneered the investigation of  radio  and  microwave  optics, made ve ry significant contributions to  plant science, and laid the foundations of  experimental  science  in the  Indian subcontinent. [6]  IEEE  named him one of the  fathers  of  radio  science. [7]  He is also considered the father of  Bengali science fiction. He was the first person from the  Indian subcontinent  to receive a  US patent, in 1904.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Poverty and Poor Education Affects Life

Getting an education is considered a blessing too many, in America many of us believe that everybody should get equality when it comes down to education, but is that really the case? I believe that education is something that many of us take advantage of, especially when you are a kid and you think your education is free and you dread waking up early in the morning for school. Though, when you grow older we are glad that we have received an education and we can contribute to new technology, or we have the opportunity to create a top selling novel, learn about the history of the world, or just knowing why the sky is blue. We all know, and if you don’t you should, that many of the poorer regions in the world don’t receive a proper education, but could living in a poorer region of the United States of America affect your opportunity for education? I hold this to be true. Many of us believe that we can accomplish just about anything when we set are minds to it, but does this inspirational quote fluctuate when you are poor? Poverty perpetuates poverty and the reason for this is that poverty provides the factors preventing proper education in America (Jayashanker, 2009). Public taxes are mostly funded by property taxes, so if the houses cost less, that means less funding for computers, good teachers, books, and anything else a school need in order to thrive. Also people with money can also obviously hire private tutors. When the No Child Left Behind act was passed in 2002 by George W. Bush, it awarded the schools that preformed better then other school, by awarding them with a source of supplies and materials, while schools that performed unwell, were punished by less funding to the school. I believe that the NCLB act was not reasonable, because the schools that perform better are usually the schools that are in higher income areas, I believe this act w as another reason why poorer people receive less education. Poverty also could have other negative affects on an individual such as; absence of health care, the consumption of less nutritious food, the on going influence to join a gang, or desperate attempts to make money such a robbing and selling drugs. At the same time I do realize that being rich could also have it negative affects such as a less strive to receive and education, because they may feel that they don’t need to, because everything is already given to them on a silver platter, but I believe this to be true to the ones that were spoiled. Bad influences are all around in poverty areas, or the â€Å"ghetto†, these â€Å"bad influences† will usually convince the children in the ghetto region, to do things that severely impact their education, which just adds to the ongoing cycle where the rich stay rich and the poor remain poor. I found a study on, the found statistics that show children living in poverty areas that there 2 times as likely t o repeat a grade, 3.4 times as likely to be expelled from school, being a dropout from the age of 16-24 were 3.5 times as likely, and the chance of them from graduating from a four year college was cut in half. Poor education in children does not just affect them; it affects the rest of the nation. â€Å"Child poverty costs the U.S. about $500 billion a year, the equivalent of nearly 4 percent of the GDP (the total market value of all the goods and services our country produces)† (Baer, 2010). â€Å"Poverty puts children at an unfair disadvantage for future opportunities (Defining Poverty and Why It Matters for Children, 2005)†. I believe that children who are living in poverty areas are lacking the inspiration because of there economic conditions, so I wanted to talk about the story of Oprah Winfrey whose story inspired me to go to college and get an education, and also to strive to become financially successful. Oprah Winfrey was born to a 13 year old mother, In Kosciusko, Mississippi. While growing up she said she learned how, â€Å"to turn misery to wisdom†. She first grew up with her grandmother on a pig farm with no running water. â€Å"She then lived with her mother who moved to Milwaukee where she was sexually abused for the first time by a friend of her family and her own relative (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)†. Oprah Winfrey, at the age of 14, gave birth to a baby boy, but unfortunately he died a week later. Her mother lost her patience with young Oprah, the result of this was the punishment of sending her to live with her dad. While living with her dad she learned discipline and learned how to use her great intelligence, from potential to kinetic use. At school she was know for her intelligent speaking and she received a scholarship at Tennessee University. She majored in broadcast communication and she scored a job as a reporter at a Nashville TV station. â€Å"Oprah left school at the age of 19 years old to become the first Afro-American woman broadcaster in Nashville (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)†. She made various amount of mistakes at her new job, she felt exhausted all the time. The Nashville station management team didn’t like her attitude towards the camera; too, on top of that, they didn’t like her â€Å"appearance†. â€Å"They complained about her hair style, her big nose and the distance between her eyes. Tempted to glamourize her appearance, they sent her to a good salon in New York which did a disastrous remodeling that made her hair fall off (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009). She was ranked down from a TV boardcaster to a presenter of the show called â€Å"People Are Talking†, which was basically a talk show for housewives. After seven years of presenting the show â€Å"People Are Talking†, she gained the attention of a station in Chicago. They offered her to be the host of there show called â€Å"A.M. Chicago†, in basically a month she made the show â€Å"A.M. Chicago† to one of the most viewed shows in Chicago. In 1985 the â€Å"A.M. Chicago Show† was rename â€Å"The Oprah Winfrey Show†, and it began to be nationally broadcasted. Oprah said, â€Å"Failure is the way God chooses to remind you that you are on the wrong track†. Despite her troubled childhood the Oprah Winfrey show is one of most nationally viewed shows today. Oprah Winfrey is now estimated at an astonishing $2.4 billion dollars, according to Forbes Magazine. Oprah’s story was inspirational to me, and I hope for many others, to succeed in life. I believe when growing up in a ghetto region there are many roadblocks on receiving a superb education and go to a good college, but this is not impossible, nothing is considered impossible now-a-days, especially in America. It is relevant that as a country we need to break out of the cycle of poverty. Anne C. Lewis suggested that low levels of an individual’s literacy will usually result in low paying jobs. Anne C. Lewis suggests four steps in leading individuals out of the cycle of poverty. â€Å"For young children already in the system, educate their parents, especially the mothers, to the hilt. The educational level of mothers is the most important influence on the educational attainment of children (Lewis 186). Adults need to take advantage of educational programs that are sponsored by the schools. The second step is, â€Å"for welfare mothers (most of them teenagers) who must now make it in the job world, combine educational and contextual training. This means direct education for meaningful job goals. Cognitive researcher Thomas Sticht, drawing on results from the military, business, and education, argues that young people can learn basic skills best when education is embedded in job preparation (Lewis 186). It has been proven that improved literacy skills can raise their productivity levels in the workplace, while it can also increase your child’s vocabulary. The third step is to implant the idea of going to college in the child’s head as early as you can, according to a survey by Educational Longitudinal, students who have thrive to go to college in 8th grade were much more likely to graduate. The fourth and final way to break out of the ongoing cycle of poverty, according to Anne C. Lewis, is to start the development of literacy in the child as soon as they are born. Young parents from poor circumstances ought to leave the hospital as participants in support networks that will help them develop the language abilities of their babies. That support should be consistent and continuous until the school system becomes a partner with parents (Lewis). So basically what I’m trying to say is that poverty does have its severe impact on an individual’s education, but even though it may be harder for a child from the ghetto regions of Los Angeles, California to receive an equal amount of education then a person living in Beverley Hills, California. Just remember that is nothing is impossible in American, and a college education is available to almost anyone! This quote helped me with my education, and I wanted to end my conclusion with this quote, and it states, it's not about stuffing people's minds with knowledge. It's something inspirational and more†¦. It's about instilling a love for learning. It's about educating kids from your heart. It's about teaching others and oneself to learn from mistakes. It's about encouraging one to have the courage to lead one's life, and about helping others to raise to a higher level of awareness. When you choose to educate with a heart full of love, what you can do will reach far beyond what you can ever imagine.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lake and River Microbes essays

Lake and River Microbes essays The microscopic organisms of local aquatic ecosystems, is important to the health and homeostasis of the natural environment. There are many types of microscopic organisms that dwell in the local lakes, streams, and rivers. Microorganisms' such as protists "algae" and microscopic invertebrates can be found in great quantities in the lo;cal; water systems. The most commonly found microorganisms are the prootozoans. The protozoans are divided in to two groups: the protists (plant like cholorophillic heterozygous eugenic prokaryotes) and algaey (animal like). The protists are all microscopic, unicellular eucaryotes. All are heterotrophic. Protists differ from other eucaryotic organisms in that they have a cell membrane made of a substance called pellicillin. They are classified according to the motility of the thing: the class mastigophora are protists that move through the use of flagellum (long whip-like structures), the class pseudofootia are the protists that move through walking (ameba), and the phylum ciliaphora are the protists that move through the use of cilicone (hair-like processes). There are also another group of protists called the sporozoans, which are immobile parasites. All forms of protist were found in the water samples except for the sporozoans. The other types of protozoan found were algae. Algae can be either unicellular or multicellular. All ore autotropic (they photosynthesize) and a few are both heterotrophic and autotrophic. Algae do not have any tissue, which is why they are not considered plants. Rather they exist in a state known as "ethereal entropic euphrigenesis." While there are many types are algae is the one be most commonly found in fresh water are the green algae (chlorphycophyta), euglenas (euglenophycophyta), and the golden algae (chrysophycophyta), which includes the diatoms. Brown algae and red algae are usually not found in freshwater. The euglena are flagellated algae ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Latent Fingerprint Examination

Latent Fingerprint Examination Introduction As Barnes ((n.d), pp. 2-3) argues, using fingerprints is one of the most dependable ways of identifying different individuals, as every individual has a unique pattern of fingerprints. Therefore, because of their uniqueness among different individuals’ fingerprints, the use of fingerprints as a mechanism of identifying individuals finds wide application in many scientific fields, for example, criminology. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Latent Fingerprint Examination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fingerprints are marks left behind by the friction ridges of the skin once individuals holds or gets in contact with any surface. During identification, for examiners to determine the owner of the left behind friction skin ridge impressions, examiners must evaluate a number of factors between known fingerprints and the fingerprints in question. Such factors include the arch, loop, and whorl p atterns and the minutia characteristics, for example, ridge ending s and bifurcation. History of Fingerprints Unlike other human characteristics, which change with time, the fingerprint ridge pattern remains the same as one grows older hence, making fingerprints the most dependable identification method. Historically, as dating experiments show, the first human fingerprints were left behind more than 4,000 years ago by builders of the Egyptian pyramids. In addition to such discoveries in Egypt, the use of fingerprints was also a common practice among Chinese traders in the 3rd century B.C, as this was the most dependable method of proving that certain business transactions took place. Although the use of fingerprints was a common practice, individuals had no interests in the uniqueness of fingerprints until 1684, when an academician named Nehemiah published the first anatomical paper on fingerprints. This publication was followed by more scientific tests and publications on the un iqueness of fingerprints by scholars such as Marcello, J C Mayer, and Purkinje. Because of such discoveries, in 1858, the use of fingerprint for contractual purposes became an official practice in some countries, for example, India. The use of fingerprints for identification purposes took a turn in the late 19th century with the discovery by Henry Faulds that fingerprints remained the same even after an injury. This discovery gave birth to more discoveries, some of them widely applied presently, for example, the use of printer’s ink to reproduce latent prints on surfaces (Barnes, (n.d), pp. 3-14) Fingerprint identification This involves the process of matching questioned fingerprints with some known fingerprints, as a methodology of authenticating the identity of the questioned fingerprints. Advertising Looking for research paper on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fingerprint identification (lat ent print identification) is of great significance in solving most crime cases as it provides one of the most dependable methods of identifying the identity of those involved in certain criminal activity. Currently, examiners combine chemical, electronic, and physical processing methods to accurately match any questionable fingerprints regardless of their nature. To match questionable prints with known prints, it necessitates for one to have the required expertise, as most fingerprint identification results are crucial evidenced in courts of laws. Their work entails dusting for fingerprints and collecting of tangible evidences, which can be used to identify the crime perpetrator. Examiners are also of significance in the immigration department, in controlling the flow of both foreigners and locals into and out of the country. On the other hand, it is the duty of the fingerprint examiner to cross-match the collected fingerprint hence, their significance in providing evidence in cri minal cases (Prabhakar, Jain, Maio, Maltoni, 2009, pp. 7-43). History of Fingerprint Identification Until mid 1800’s, most governments used daguerreotyping and the Bertillon system as a mechanism of identifying criminals. Although such an application lasted for a while, the 1903 Leavenworth, Kansas identification failure, led to the birth of fingerprint identification method. Prior to this, individuals used fingerprints for only legal documents. The early discoveries by Marcello Malpighi, Nehemiah Grew, Purkinje, Herschel, and Fauld opened avenues for more discoveries on better methods of identifying criminals, as most early methodologies had many flaws. In the United States, the use of fingerprints first appeared in 1882, as a forgery prevention mechanism. Later on in 1892, detective Juan Vucetich made the first application of finger print evidence in solving a murder case in South America;. Juan’s method received more applause as year went by, as most countries ad opted his method to solve criminal cases. The completion of Sir Edward Henry work on how to use different fingerprint characteristics in criminology in 1896, opened more insights into the significance of fingerprints in identifying criminals. Subsequent years marked more development into the system, as this method became more common in prisons and state security departments, for example, the New York State Army, and Navy. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Latent Fingerprint Examination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the expanding application of fingerprints in identifying criminals among state departments, through coordination of inspector Harry Caldwell, the need for formation of an examiner’s accreditation body rose, leading to the formation of the International Association for Criminal Identification in 1915. Its name changed in 1918 with the adoption of its first charter hence, its current name the International Association for Identification. More development trickled in 1977, with its adoption of an accreditation program called the â€Å"Latent Print Certification Program†. Since then IAI has developed other certification programs for example, Blood stain patter analysis, the Foot wear and Tiretrack analysis, Forensic Photography, forensic art, and tenprint certification. More developments came in with the development of the computerized Criminal Fingerprint File of 1980, by the Federal Bureau Department and later on the developing of the National Crime information center in 1983 (Skopitz, 2002, pp.1). Requirements and Certifications for Fingerprint Examiners Depending on the location and country of origin, the educational specification and qualification of a latent fingerprint examination varies. In the United States, for individuals to be examiners, they have to receive the required accreditation from the International Association of Identification , it being the primary provider of standards recognized globally. Although an individual may apply and qualify for the IAI training, in most cases one has to have some prior training. Before the IAI accepts one into their training or gives one the required certification one has to have some science training background, for example, a degree in chemistry, biology, or forensic science. After this, one must go through a latent finger examiner course, offered by police departments, colleges, and crime technical laboratories. On completing the course, individuals must go through an IAI three-part Latent Finger Print assessment. In addition to this training, after a time span of five years every certified fingerprint examiner must pass an exam, offered by IAI, failure of which leads to suspension of ones license (International Association for Identification p.1). Reference List Barnes, J. G. (n.d). History. Retrieved from Looking for research paper on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More International Association of Identification. Training, certification, and disciplines. IAI. Retrieved from Prabhakar, S., Jain, A. K., Maio, D., Maltoni, D. (2009). Handbook of fingerprint recognition. New York: Springer Publishing. Retrieved from,+Dario+Maio,+Anil+K.+Jain,+Salil+Prabhakarsource=blots=9vS-1Mmt6-sig=U2ZU2o0L-jb79k9iblC85XfVd7Mhl=enei=BemJTOS0CNvNjAfCqaSMBgsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=1ved=0CBcQ6AEwAA#v=onepageqf=false Scopitz, K. (2002). History of fingerprints. Essortment. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Molality Example Problem - Worked Chemistry Problems

Molality Example Problem - Worked Chemistry Problems Molality is a means of expressing the concentration of a chemical solution. Heres an example problem to show you how to determine it: Sample Molality Problem A 4 g sugar cube (Sucrose: C12H22O11) is dissolved in a 350 ml teacup of 80  °C water. What is the molality of the sugar solution?Given: Density of water at 80 ° 0.975 g/ml Solution Start with the definition of molality.  Molality is the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Step 1 - Determine number of moles of sucrose in 4 g.Solute is 4 g of C12H22O11 C12H22O11 (12)(12) (1)(22) (16)(11)C12H22O11 144 22 176C12H22O11 342 g/moldivide this amount into the size of the sample4 g /(342 g/mol) 0.0117 mol Step 2 - Determine mass of solvent in kg. density mass/volumemass density x volumemass 0.975 g/ml x 350 mlmass 341.25 gmass 0.341 kg Step 3 - Determine molality of the sugar solution. molality molsolute / msolventmolality 0.0117 mol / 0.341 kgmolality 0.034 mol/kg Answer: The molality of the sugar solution is 0.034 mol/kg. Note: For aqueous solutions of covalent compounds, such as sugar, the molality and molarity of a chemical solution are comparable. In this situation, the molarity of a 4 g sugar cube in 350 ml of water would be 0.033 M.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Homeland Security - Essay Example All crimes not considered capital were punishable through public torture, mutilation, or embarrassment (McCorkle 321). Flogging was common. Branding with a hot iron was frequently practiced in Britain and sometimes in the British Colonies in North America. The stocks or the pillory were used for lesser crimes (McCorkle 321-2). Numerous crimes or repeat offenses were considered capital crimes, and executions were public events. The death penalty was the final solution offered to compensate for all the other defects of the criminal justice system. The Massachusetts Assembly in 1736 issued a decree that a thief, on the first conviction, be fined or whipped. On the second, the offender would pay triple the fines and be forced to sit on the gallows platform with a noose around his (or her) neck, followed by thirty lashes at the whipping post (Miller 66). For the third offense, the culprit was taken to the gallows and publicly hanged. In his book  The London Hanged  (1992), Peter Linebaugh notes that those hanged for capital offenses in eighteenth century London were overwhelmingly from the working class, and particularly from trades experiencing the onset of craft-destroying manufacturing (Miller 42). The rise of capitalism had resulted in substantial increases in pauperism and petty thievery, which became rampant all through Europe with the decline of the feudal system. In England, steps were taken as early as 1557 to address this problem through the construction of houses of correction or workhouses, the first of which was Bridewell in London. This type of institution quickly spread throughout Britain and the Continent. Unruly apprentices, beggars, â€Å"strumpets,† vagrants, and rogues were sent to the houses of corrections, where they were manacled, flogged, and forced to carry out hard labor (Parker 105). These institutions were widely regarded as

Heavy Smoking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Heavy Smoking - Assignment Example This chronic condition makes breathing complicated to the victims or the patients. The forms of COPD can involve either lasting coughing with mucus or damage of the lungs over a given period. Exposure to air pollution and stuffy places like bars and bus stations, especially by the older people, for long hours or years can increase the prevalence of the disease in the body. Although the disease can be diagnosed and preventable by qualified doctors, the causes, prognosis, consequential requirements and social life of the victims might be at risks if not avoided at initial stages. Exposure to harmful fumes Mr. L, a bartender, suffers from the condition because he has been exposed to this situation for 40 years. Firstly, despite Mr. L being a heavy smoker, he also works in a bar where patrons smoke at all the times exposing his health to even greater healthy risks. At age 55, the lungs cannot fight the chronic damage caused through engulfing of the respiratory organs. This is further inf luenced by the air pollution created at the bus terminus by the city buses that he commutes in on a daily basis. The difficulty experienced when he walked past the three blocks is because he used respiratory gases at high rates of breathing, which caused the dilapidated walls of the lung to become narrow. This makes the situation challenging to Mr. L to access enough energy that can enable him walk on the dusty blocks. This, therefore, results from the excess unpurified air that he inhales from the bus terminus through to the dusty blocks and finally the smoke particles consumed from the cigarettes. The combination of the different unpurified gases accumulate in the lungs causing difficulty in breathing and insufficient supply of energy and gases to the heart, which leads to fatigue prompting him to rest (Falvo, 2009). Causes, incidence, and risk factors Smoking is the primary cause of COPD to Mr. L. The further the individual smoked, the more he developed COPD. However, some indivi duals smoke for years and never acquire COPD. In exceptional cases, nonsmokers who are exposed to smoking conditions and lack a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin can also acquire the disease. Additionally, contact to certain combination of gases or fumes in the workplace such as bars and industrial places are risky. Exposure to grave amounts of secondhand smoke and toxic waste also increased the disease. Lastly, recurrent use of cooking fire with no appropriate ventilation makes the gases to cover the room, which the cook will inhale while in that kitchen (Falvo, 2009). Signs and Symptoms COPD condition is indicated by constant cough, with or without mucus, fatigue (that occasioned Mr. L to rest near the three blocks), multiple respiratory illnesses, and shortness of breath (dyspnea) that gets terrible with mild activity or difficulty catching one's gulp of air and panting. The symptoms of COPD develop gradually; some people might not recognize that they are sick. Expectations (pro gnosis) COPD is a lasting (chronic) illness. The infection will get dreadful more rapidly if one does not quit smoking. Victims with severe COPD may be short of breath with nearly all activities and might be hospitalized more regularly. These patients ought to consult qualified doctors about breathing equipment and end-of-life care (Falvo, 2009). Treatment In order for Mr. L to remain in his career, he should adopt preventive measures such as persons with COPD have to stop smoking. This is the finest way to slow down the lung destruction. However, medication alternatives can also be applied to treat COPD, for instance, use of inhalers (bronchodilators) to unlock the airways, such as ipratropium (Atrovent) and albuterol. The patient can also

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example The liberalized economy was responsible for creating a competitive environment which required prompt response in order to control and stabilize the sudden turbulence in the economy. It was crucial from both the perspective of organisations as well as the economy on the whole. Human resource management practices play a significant role in enhancing corporate performance (Som, 2008, p.1278). This report seeks to understand the factors which have evolved the role of the human resource departments in organisations in India, with emphasis on the labour laws in organisations. A discussion has also been provided pertaining to the system of education and training, trade unions, the system of collective bargaining and employer organisations. The project also speaks of the present trends and patterns of the human resource management practices in India. It provides a number of data and case studies of different organisations in the nation which highlights the different approaches in HRM. In thi s regard, the project also discusses the various problems and issues that organisations in the nation have been confronting with. Current patterns and trends in the approach to HRM in IndiaThe context of organisational success in India remains deeply rooted in the nation’s history and culture. The value system in society enriched with respect towards elders, the joint-family system, the trend of future savings as well as the British rule in India have impacted the development of the workplaces in India. The large agrarian society embeds the culture of hard work, labour dignity and the concept of sharing of responsibility which accounts for the key components of success of the firms in India. The nation’s democratic governance has enabled the policy makers and financial institutions for setting the foundation for the country’s success (Websu-kat, 2008, p.1). One of the most important points worth mentioning is that there have been huge investments made by the Gov ernment of the nation in the field of education and population control. Great investments coupled with assistance from the developed nations of the world have been the major factors in creating the nation’s value propositions in the international market. Together with its own set of strengths and weaknesses the nation is identified as one of the leading emerging economies in the world. It also has entered into trade relations with a number of nations in the world (Websu-kat, 2008, p.1). Few of the major determinants which make the Indian HRM different from the rest of the world are s follows: The culture in India is rooted deeply in its collective values which provides a tendency of maintaining collaboration in the place of

Critical Infrastructure Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Infrastructure Protection - Essay Example c. Responsibilities-This particular unit performs various responsibilities pertaining to cross sector leadership and overarching leadership. The unit is also responsible for addressing all those broad complexities in relation to the federal system of the government (GAO, 2011; Homeland Security, 2009). 2. Explain what Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) initiatives are, what are protected, and the methods used to protect our assets CIP is referred to as a concept which signifies the responses that are made to tackle serious incidents involving the critical infrastructure in a particular region. In the concerned article of Government Accountability Office (GAO), CIP initiatives are: all round cyber security guidance in seven most vital sectors i.e. material, nuclear reactors, banking and finance, health care, information technology, water and solid wastes. The broad initiatives being rendered by CIP are specifically meant for protecting the above mentioned broad sectors. The meth ods used for protecting the assets included unique operations that mainly consisted of risk alterations (GAO, 2011; Homeland Security, 2009). 3. ... critical infrastructure. In relation to maintenance of critical infrastructure, the IS professionals need to consider the aspects of cyber security to a very large extent. Ensuring cyber security requirement of high level of technical knowhow inculcates accelerated level of critical thinking for analyzing the broad aspects of cyber security. The online atmosphere also consists of numerous amounts of hackers and malicious users who perform different illicit and unauthenticated activities in the web. They are also responsible for misinterpretation of facts and figures and gathers authenticated and restrictive information for the sole purpose of misuse. IS professional need to be well aware of such entities (GAO, 2011; Homeland Security, 2009). 4. Evaluate the Effectiveness of IS Professionals In Regard To Protecting the U.S.’S Critical Infrastructure The contributions of IS professionals in relation to protection of U.S.’s critical infrastructure is ideal in the context o f infrastructural development. The IS professional have greatly utilized the broad aspects of cyber security guidance in an in depth manner. This concept has been utilized not only in national but also in the international context, which is one of the broadest contributions that is served from the part of the IS professionals. In addition, they are also serving various purposes pertaining to the factors associated with improving the current Federal system in the U.S. All the activities reflecting from the parts of IS professionals aimed at a particular objective i.e. diversification of the infrastructural facilities and improving it thereby. The IS professionals are also responsible for improving the federal information systems, which is being carried out in alliance with National

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Historic Preservations Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Historic Preservations - Annotated Bibliography Example Recent studies however show that historic preservations do not hinder economic development but instead can be a powerful economic tool through tourism, entertainment and environmental management (Laurie 38). The book summarizes on the positive impacts historic preservations can make to the economy and different approaches to enhancing the economy through historic preservations. This book can be a useful guide to states and nations that view historic preservations as a hindrance to the growth of their economy. The book was issued six years ago and had recent studies and information on ways to improve the economy through historic preservations. The author has included scholarly publications for reference which can be used for the purpose of more research and other academic works. The book is a viable source for this research because it has information in determining if historic preservation affects the economy of the country. Historic preservation and sustainability are the key concepts of this book. The author has put together works of different authors who attended the National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice, which was held in March in the year 2009 (Longstreth 1). The forum aims at making historic preservations sustainable. The author summarizes on how nations and states can involve the community and its people in the sustainability of historic sites and heritage. Many nations enacted laws, regulations and policies to preserving the environment and historic sites. The author looks at how setting up schemes like irrigation schemes, urban waterworks and agricultural lands can bring sustainable growth to the nation and what consequences can arise from using alternatives that are thought to bring sustainable result. The author wrote this book five years ago and has discussed on the limitations and benefits of historic preservation laws to the public,

Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician Essay

Why did i choose to study anesthesia technician - Essay Example What I have finally determined and realized is that I would like to be directly involved in working within a health care environment, as opposed to the previous business organizations that I have served. As long as I can remember, I was always intrigued by facets relating to medicine and health care; and my shelves are filled with medical books that perfectly coexist with other literary works; among which are Practical Doctor Dictionary and Jane Eyre, Avicenna, Castaneda. The working experiences I had for various organizations such as an auditing firm, the Rublev and K, the Bryansk Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Bryansk Branch â€Å"Turboremont† Gazprom, and the TA billing office UMUC in Germany, all focused on my competencies within the finance and accounting functions. Although I acknowledge my responsibilities as crucial in ensuring that the internal funds of these organizations are appropriately in order and properly managed, the fulfillment that I long to experience within a health care environment is not achieved. I felt that there remains a void to needs to be filled and the quest for changing direction in one’s profession would satisfy this need. My search for entry to the health care endeavor has been addressed as I looked closely in the which promises to develop my skills in the areas of preparation of much needed medications, setting up of equipment, as well as maintenance of anesthesia supplies. I am actually looking forward to having hands-on experiences working with patients who need to be prepared for anesthetic procedures. I recognize that my contribution would be beneficial for the treatment of patients seeking improvement in their health conditions and overall wellbeing. Eventually, I see myself as seeking higher personal and professional goals using this career path to obtain additional certifications and the opportunity to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Historic Preservations Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Historic Preservations - Annotated Bibliography Example Recent studies however show that historic preservations do not hinder economic development but instead can be a powerful economic tool through tourism, entertainment and environmental management (Laurie 38). The book summarizes on the positive impacts historic preservations can make to the economy and different approaches to enhancing the economy through historic preservations. This book can be a useful guide to states and nations that view historic preservations as a hindrance to the growth of their economy. The book was issued six years ago and had recent studies and information on ways to improve the economy through historic preservations. The author has included scholarly publications for reference which can be used for the purpose of more research and other academic works. The book is a viable source for this research because it has information in determining if historic preservation affects the economy of the country. Historic preservation and sustainability are the key concepts of this book. The author has put together works of different authors who attended the National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice, which was held in March in the year 2009 (Longstreth 1). The forum aims at making historic preservations sustainable. The author summarizes on how nations and states can involve the community and its people in the sustainability of historic sites and heritage. Many nations enacted laws, regulations and policies to preserving the environment and historic sites. The author looks at how setting up schemes like irrigation schemes, urban waterworks and agricultural lands can bring sustainable growth to the nation and what consequences can arise from using alternatives that are thought to bring sustainable result. The author wrote this book five years ago and has discussed on the limitations and benefits of historic preservation laws to the public,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life cycle of malaria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life cycle of malaria - Research Paper Example Direct observation has been a challenge. To overcome this hindrance, intravital microscopy along with fluorescence techniques was used. Conclusions: The success of this research proved that it is possible to observe and study the life cycle of malaria directly. The direct study used in this research opens up a new frontier in the fight against malaria. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the life cycle of malaria. It is important as it aids researchers in the design and implementation of interventions that can be used to hinder transmission and infection of malaria, and develop respective treatments. Four known plasmodium species are known to cause malaria: plasmodium vivax, ovale, malariae and falciparum (Bozdech, Llinas, Pulliam et al.). It has been proved that it is the female anopheline mosquitoes that transmit the plasmodium. The body of this paper begins with a description of the methods used for the research. The observations are stated after which they are discussed with concluding remarks following thereafter. Briefly looking at the life cycle of malaria, it is well known that they suck human blood as a meal and in turn inject infectious sporozoite stage parasites into people. These sporozoite stage plasmodia enter into the blood circulation and migrate to the liver. In the liver, they invade liver cells and go through replications differentiating into merozoites. The merozoites invade and enter vulnerable erythrocytes from where they go through differentiation and replicate over several days, rupturing and being released from the erythrocytes. They re-enter the blood plasma to begin the blood stage again. The parasites may differentiate into gametocytes while in the blood stage. A feeding mosquito takes them up to begin the cycle once again. This research seeks to answer the question: ‘What occurs in each life cycle stage of Malaria?’ (Hall and Fauci 1640) To

Monday, October 14, 2019

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Example for Free

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Psychology is a vast field that studies the behavior of a person. Because of psychology there is a better understanding of the disorders people may be affected by, the choices people make, and even the sexuality of the human race is understood by psychology. How psychology came to be, is a question that I had asked myself in the past. When researchers chose to directly observe psychological events, such as timed reactions, 130 years ago, psychology emerged into a scientific field of its own. The first psychological lab was created in 1879 by Wilhelm Wandr. Since the field of psychology was originally developed by Caucasian males, many beliefs were biased. As the field of psychology has grown, so has the diversity involved in psychological study; leaving us with more accurate understanding. As I happened to mention earlier, psychology is a vast field. This leaves room for many different perspectives. There are three primary perspectives with several sub-fields of psychology. First there is the biological perspective which includes biopsychology and evolutionary psychology. Second, is the psychological perspective that includes behaviorism, cognitive psychology, the psycho-dynamic approach, and humanism. The third perspective of psychology is the sociocultural perspective. Together, these three perspectives and their sub-fields have helped in advancing knowledge in the field. A long standing debate in the field of psychology is the effect of nature and nurture on a person’s behavioral development. I feel that both are equally important factors in how a person behaves. Some people are born with psychological disorders, but their upbringing helps them live a comfortable life without being controlled by their disorder. Others grow up in a bad environment that brings out the worst of their disorders. There are some people who aren’t born with psychological disorders, but develop some over time due to their upbringing. For example, I was born without any  abnormalities and was completely healthy. Unfortunately I was born into a family of addiction and violence. As a child I was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. As a result of this abuse I suffered from depression and even now as an adult, many of my choices are influenced by the environment I grew in. I do feel that a lot of personal choices are in our own control, though. Another example, though I was raised in the type of family I was raised in, I chose to be better. I chose to break the pattern of addiction and abuse and become a better person. I know other people who grew up in the same situation as me, and they choose to follow the path and they choose to carry a grudge that the world owes them something. I feel there are too many factors involved in behavior for it to be caused by only one perspective. Reference Mitterer, Coon. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cengage Learning.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tuberculosis :: Health, Diseases

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection that can attack any part of the body, but it is normally found in the lungs (Huether, McCance, Brashers and Rote, 2008,). TB is an infection caused by a acid-fast bacillus also know as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Huether et al. 2008) It is one of the leading causes of death in Asia, China, Indian, Indonesia and Pakistan (Huether et al. 2008). These countries show that in most cases the incidence rate is highest in young adults, and are usually the result from re-infection in recent infections. The spread of TB is attributed to the emigration of infected people from high-prevalent countries, substance abuse, poverty, transmission in crowd places, and the lack of proper medical care for the infected individuals (Huether et al. 2008). Tuberculosis is transmitted from person to person through airborne droplets, when a person that is infected with TB coughs, sneezes, talks, and/or sings letting tiny droplet to be released into the air(Bare, Smeltzer, Hinkle, and Cheever, 2008). TB cannot be spread through touching inanimate objects, food, or drinks (Bare et al. 2008). The person must be in the same area an affected individual is in and inspirate the droplets to be affected. Once the bacillus is inspired into the lungs, the bacilli start to multiply causing lung inflammation also known as nonspecific pneumontis (Huether et al. 2008). To cause an immune response the bacilli will travel through lymphatic system and become lodged in the lymph nodes (Huether et al. 2008). Lung inflammation causes the activation of the alveolar macrophages and neutrophils (Huether et al. 2008). Granulomas, new tissue masses of live and dead bacilli, are surrounded by macrophages, which form a protective wall. They then transform into a fi brous tissue mass, the central portion is called a ghon tubercle (Bare et al. 2008). The bacterial then necrotic, forming a cheesy mass, this mass may become calcified and form a collagenous scar (Bare et al. 2008). At this point, the bacteria becomes dormant and there is no further progression of the active disease. The disease can become active again by re-infection or activation of the dormant bacteria (Bare et al. 2008). TB can be classified as latent or active (Bare et al. 2008). TB that is a latent is bacilli that are isolated with a tubercle can remain, dormant, causing no symptoms. Active TB occurs when live bacilli escape into the bronchi or if the immune system is weaken by diseases such as HIV or Cancer (Bare et al.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Dream of Wind Power Becoming a Reality Essay -- Wind Power Essays

The Dream of Wind Power Becoming a Reality The United States and all of the industrialized nations were built and are currently sustained by the burning of millions of tons of fossil fuels. This method of producing power has had disastrous consequences on human beings and our environment, which include air pollution, global warming and acid rain. Ever since the realization of these consequences people all over the world have been searching for alternative energy sources that are clean and sustainable. One of these new alternative forms of power is actually an old technology reinvented, wind power. Until recently wind power was seen as a renewable resource that could work on a small scale to cut down energy costs, but which could never replace fossil fuels because there were too many obstacles to its implementation on a large scale. This paper will discuss the many ways that wind power has been improved in the past few decades, which today makes it a viable energy option. One of the main problems wind power was forced to deal with early on was efficiency issues both with the design of the wind turbines. The blades of a wind turbine have gone through many design changes over the past decades which are all aimed at increasing there ability to maximize rotation from just a little wind speed. Today's wind turbines mainly feature long thin blades with only one horizontal piece as opposed to the old wind turbines which had multiple blades and were usually much thicker. The general progression has been towards lighter, stronger materials usually composites, which allow the blades to rotate quickly and easily maximizing power conversion, but with standing high wind speeds (National Wind Technology Center). The progression in techn... ...see wind energy and other renewable resources nearly replace fossil fuel use in our lifetimes. Works Cited Anderson, Ian. 1997. â€Å"Blowing Hot.† New Scientist. 22. Anonymous. 1999. â€Å"MPS Review: Wind Power; The Future of Wind is Growing Larger.† Modern Power System. 20. Anonymous. 1998. â€Å"It’s an ill wind that blows no good.† Design Week. 20-21. Moore, Taylor. Winter 1999. â€Å"Wind Power: Gaining Momentum.† EPRI Journal. 24: 8+. National Wind Technology Center, 2001. â€Å"Wind Turbine Research.† (Oct. 12, 2001). National Wind Technology Center, 2001. â€Å"Wind In a Minute.† (Oct. 12, 2001). National Wind Technology Center, 2001. â€Å"Wind Resource Database.† (Oct. 12, 2001). Sample, Ian. 2000. â€Å"Hidden Power.† New Scientist. 166:14.

Friday, October 11, 2019

factors affecting Demand and Supply Essay

In economics, Demand refers to the quantity of a goods or services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price in a given time period. The law of demand stipulates that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded, that is to say, if the price of, say, good X rises, it will decrease the quantity demanded of good X and the price of the good falls, this will bring an expansion of the quantity demanded. The diagram below clearly explains the above statement: A movement along a demand curve only occurs when there is a change in the price of the good in question. Some textbooks call these movements’ extensions and contractions. In the diagram below (Fig 1.1), when the price of CDs falls (from P1 to P2) there is a rise in demand (from Q1 to Q2), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point B. When the price rises (from P1 to P3) there is a fall in demand (from Q1 to Q3), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point C. Note that we must say ‘ceteris paribus’. If one of the other determinants of demand changes as well, then the curve would shift. A shift in the demand curve occurs if one of the ‘other’ (i.e. non-price) determinants of demand change. This means that for a given price level the quantity demanded will change. This is illustrated in the diagram below: Fig 1.2 Note that the price has not changed (P1) and yet demand has increased (in the case of the shift to D2) to Q2. This could be due to a rise in real incomes (assuming the good is normal – see the required section in the ‘Elasticities’ topic), a rise in the price of a substitute good, a fall in the price of a complement, etc. (see ‘determinants of demand’ above). In the case of the shift to D3, demand has fallen even though the price has remained constant. It is fairly obvious so far that the price of a good is a pretty strong determinant of its demand, but there are many other things that will affect demand too. First of all, the disposable income is one of the factors causing a shift in the demand curve. The effect that income has on the amount of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy depends on the type of good we’re talking about. For most goods, there is a positive (direct) relationship between a consumer’s income and the amount of the good that one is willing and able to buy. In other words, for these goods when income rises the demand for the product will increase; when income falls, the demand for the product will decrease. The above is the case for normal goods. However, when there is an inverse relationship between one’s income and the demand for that good, it is categorised as inferior good. Another factor which is a determinant of demand is the price of related goods. As with income, the effect that the price of related good has on the amount that one is willing and able to buy depends on the type of good we’re talking about. Think about two goods that are typically consumed together, for example, tea and milk (complements). If the price of milk goes up, the Law of Demand tells us that people will be willing/able to buy less milk. But if we want less milk, we will also want to use tea and therefore, an increase in the price of milk means we want to purchase less tea. We can thus summarize this by saying that when two goods are complements, there is an inverse relationship between the price of one good and the demand for the other good. A person’s taste and preference is also one slightly obscure but very important determinant of demand. It could be noted that if a good becomes fashionable, this will boost up the demand. For example, if a celebrity endorses a new product (like Pepsi), this might increase the demand for the product. On the other hand, if a campaign crops up, stating that the product is nefarious to health, this would decrease the demand of the product. An increase in the population of a country will be another determinant of  demand of a product. More people will mean more demand for, say, bread. Nonetheless, it should be noted that a change in the structure of the population, (an ageing population), this will increase the demand for some goods but reduce the demand for others. For example, the quantity of medical shoes will increase in an ageing population. Advertising is also likely to have a great impact on the demand of a product. Many of you probably doubt the effectiveness of some of the appalling adverts on the TV. We may assume that companies would not spend fortunes on advertising if they did not expect to see a significant rise in demand for the product in question. This can be clearly shown when supermarkets advertise their price drop-downs, through flyers, TV adverts, radio et al. Some people always think of securing a better future. In so doing, if they expect the price of a good to rise in the future, they will more likely to demand for more of the product. For example, if we hear that Apple, the electronic giant, will soon introduce a new iPod that has more memory and longer battery life, people may decide to wait to buy an iPod until the new product comes out. This will surely decrease the demand for the current iPod as they will prefer the new ones. On the other hand, just like with demand, where it only became effective if it was backed up with the ability to pay, supply is defined as the willingness and ability of producers to supply goods and services on to a market at a given price in a given period of time. In theory, at higher prices a larger quantity will generally be supplied than at lower prices, ceteris paribus, and at lower prices a smaller quantity will generally be supplied than at higher prices, ceteris paribus. Diagram A movement along a supply curve only occurs when the price changes, ceteris paribus. In other words, the price changes but the other non-price determinants remain constant. The diagram below shows that a price rise will cause an extension up the supply curve, from point A to point B, whilst a  price fall will cause a contraction back down the supply curve, from point A to point C. Supply curves shift, at all prices, if there is a change in one or more of the determinants of supply. If something happens that decreases a firm’s costs regardless of the price level (e.g. improved technology or a subsidy from the government), then the firm’s supply curve shifts to the right. The diagram below demonstrates these shifts: Note that the price remains unchanged at P1; the shifts in the supply curve are caused by various changes in the determinants of supply. As with the demand curve, there are many things that affect supply as well as the price of the good in question. The most important factor determining the supply of a commodity is its price. As a general rule, price of a commodity and its supply are directly related. It means, as price increases, the quantity supplied of the given commodity also rises and vice-versa. It happens because at higher prices, there are greater chances of making profit. It induces the firm to offer more for sale in the market. The price of other factors of other goods is one of the determinants of the supply. Increase in the prices of other goods makes them more profitable in comparison to the given commodity. For example if it is more profitable to produce LCD TVs then producers will produce more LCD TVs as compared to PLASMA TVs. Thus the supply curve for PLASMA TVs will shift inwards i.e. there will be a fall in supply. Another factor to determine supply is through Technology. Technological changes influence the supply of a commodity. Advanced and improved technology reduces the cost of production, which raises the profit margin. It induces the seller to increase the supply. However, technological degradation or complex and out-dated technology will increase the cost of production and it will lead to decrease in supply. Govt., through taxation policies, is also a determinant of supply. Increase in taxes raises the cost of production and, thus, reduces the supply, due to lower profit margin. On the other hand, tax concessions and subsidies increase the supply as they make it more profitable for the firms to supply goods.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Heathrow: Terminal 5

Terminal 5 Heathrow London London Heathrow Terminal 5 Project Scope The plans for this project began as far back as 1982, where there was an on-going debate as to whether the aviation industry in the United Kingdom should expand through Heathrow Airport or Stansted Airport. The objective of the operation was to add a fifth passenger terminal to Heathrow to handle the tourism coming into London, also with the intentions of increasing the capacity of Heathrow Airport from 65 million people per year to 97 million people per year. Plans for the building of Terminal 5 began in 1988.The project was given a budget of under ? 4. 5 billion. The main stakeholders in this operation were Willy Walsh (CEO of British Airways at the time), and Tony Douglas (CEO of BAA at the time). Terminal Five was going to be made using the latest technology in order to make the airport experience much easier for the public, and also to keep up with the leading airports in the world. The public were originally ve ry strongly opposing the plans, with local people and local councils claiming it would cause more noise pollution, air pollution and traffic congestion in their area.The first design milestone for this project came in the late 1980's when architect Richard Rogers of ‘Richard Rogers Partnership Architecture Firm' was appointed with the task of designing the structure. British Airports Authority (BAA) officially announced a proposal to expand through building Terminal 5 at Heathrow in May of 1992. Terminal 5 had to fulfil a number of needs as an airport terminal, such as retail facilities, rail terminal, multi-storey car park, production lines etc. Project PlanThe development of Terminal 5 was an extremely time-consuming journey which started in the late 1980's when Richard Rogers Partnership was appointed with the task of designing the terminal. Planning applications were submitted in 1993, and a public enquiry was held from 1995 to 1999 to examine the every need of this new te rminal, and every aspect of the design of the structure that was about to be introduced. Eight years after the initial planning application, the transport minister had made the decision to grant planning permission on behalf of the British government.It was the longest public enquiry in UK history with legal costs reaching 80m pounds and contained over 700 building conditions. At the time Terminal 5 was the largest construction project in Europe and cost a staggering 4. 2bn. Phase one of the project included many systems of systems; it contains two main terminal satellites, car parks with over 4,000 spaces, major tunnelling and excavations, underground bagging system, road rail extensions, air traffic control tower, a hotel containing 600 bedrooms, 60 aircraft stands, as well as transit systems.The British Airports Authority felt they had to upgrade their airport to keep in competition with other main hub airports. Construction of the project went underway in the Summer of 2002 and was originally a five year plan. Five key stages were identified in the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5: * Site Preparation & Enabling Works * Ground Works * Major Structures * Fit Out Site Preparation and Enabling Works A major archaeology excavation took place on the Terminal 5 site, where there were over 80,000 artefacts found during the excavation.Also operations such as levelling the site, laying foundations, extensive tunnelling to cater for the large underground baggage and railway system that was to be put in place for the airport. Groundworks March 2005 also saw the completion of developed road infrastructure (internal airside roads). A new spur road off the M25 was also completed and opened in April 2008 in order to improve access to the terminal. Underground railroad tunnel connections between Heathrow express and Terminal 5 were finally completed in September 2004 after four and half months of tunnelling.Terminal 5 has six platforms, two of which are used for London Underground Piccadilly extension, two for the Heathrow express and the remaining two for additional extensions. The railway service was completed in March 2008. Major Structures Two satellite terminals were built to cater for 30 million extra passengers per year. Phase 1 of building these structures would account for 27 million passengers then a further 3 million on completion of Phase 2. Phase 2 was the further construction of a second satellite terminal neighbouring to the original Terminal 5 structure and was completed in June 2005.March 2005 was a pivotal point in the construction of Terminal 5; the air traffic control tower was fully erected and stood 87 meters tall, which makes it one of the largest in Europe. Fit Out Key elements of the fit out comprise of specific electronic systems. These electronic systems involve new check-in technology. It uses a face recognition system on arrival to reduce waiting time for boarding passengers. The service also includes the Rapid Transit System, which is a personal people mover carriage which links people from the car park to the main Terminal 5 building.It was completed in April 2011 and then opened to the public in September 2011. The baggage handling system is the largest of its kind in Europe and it has two main integrated systems; fast track and main baggage sorter. The systems were designed to handle more than 70,000 bags per day. Working Breakdown Structure Risks Capital Issues Many factors had to be taken into account upon undertaking the Heathrow Terminal 5 build. This at the time was Europe’s largest construction project in its history and was also the British Airport Authority (BAA) largest and most expensive project undertaken.This project would tie up much of BAA’s working capital (4. 3 Billion). Taking up all off this was a huge risk for BAA as any major cost overruns would severely break the budget and would lead to huge exposure to BAA as a company itself rendering them out of money an d needing extra finance. To overcome this BAA set out a new no blame culture Construction Risks The construction site of the Terminal posed huge risks to the project as it was determined the site would be built on an area of wetlands west of the original airport.The site was previously occupied by a sewage works and these wetlands had two main rivers running through them which would need to be relocated in order for any construction to go ahead. The two rivers – The Longford River and The Duke of Northumberland River. BAA came up with a twin Rivers Diversion Scheme to re route these rivers operating under strict time constraints established from the inquiry. The scheme achieved a Civil Engineering Environmental Quality (CEEQUAL) award for maintaining high environmental standards and quality during design and construction.Constraint Issues Being the largest free standing building ever to be built in Europe coupled with the fact that Heathrow had to be fully operational through out the construction project special cranes had to be custom built in order to erect the building while not interfering with air space and possibly causing havoc amongst the airport. Many constraints were also put on the builders, workers and architects of the project from the lengthy inquiry – one of the main issues being that only one access road would be allowed to service the site.This forced BAA to create and off site set up area where the pre fabrication was done for the project and then brought on site when needed. Costs We as a group believe that this project was extremely good value for money although it came in over budget by over â‚ ¬200. T2 received 3 accolades for its structure and design and scored exceptional high in areas of efficiency, cost, aesthetics and innovation. It has won these awards for its smooth operation’s during construction.Terminal 2 was over budget because it was seen as an investment for decades to come rather than a quick solution for an outdated airport. Terminal 2 was a key infrastructural venture, tourism decimated since the onset of the recession and that has had a significant impact on footfall at Dublin Airport. With its new technologies it lays the path for future prosperity and growth within the Irish tourism sector. We believe that the planning of the budget was the problem here and not enough consideration was taken into account about unforeseen circumstances – leading to the budget being hugely unrealistic.The Enabling works along with site logistics & phasing was originally budgeted at â‚ ¬5,925,000 but final cost turned out to be â‚ ¬9,135,000. The works & logistics involved diversion of utility services and the unplanned extensive reconstruction of Corbalis House a post medieval house dating back to the pre 1700’s. REFERENCE Upon reaching our judgement that T2 was a construction success we referred back to and compared Heathrow’s T5. DAA managed to build and Internatio nal Terminal with a final cost of â‚ ¬609 whereas it took BAA â‚ ¬4. Billion to service only double the amount of yearly passengers as Dublins T2. Below are some other stark comparisons where we believe T2 was a massive success as they managed to spend 7 x times less than BAA’s T5. ————————————————- | ————————————————- BAA T5| ————————————————- DAA T2| ————————————————- FINAL COST| ————————————————- â‚ ¬5. 3 BILLION| ————————————————- â‚ ¬609 MILLION| ———————————————— PASSENGERS PER ANNUM| ————————————————- 30 MILLION| ————————————————- 15 MILLION| ————————————————- SQ METRES| ————————————————- 350,000| ————————————————- 75 ,000| ————————————————- CONSTRUCTION LENGTH| ————————————————- 6 YEARS| ————————————————- 3 YEARS| ———————————————— NO. RETAIL OUTLETS| ————————————————- 112| ————————————————- 40| Terminal 2 Terminal 2 as a project in our group’s opinion was value for money, even though it came in at 200 million over budget it has r eceived 3 accolades for its structure and design and scored exceptional high in areas of efficiency, cost, aesthetics and innovation. It has won these awards for its smooth operation’s during construction. Terminal 2 was over budget because . t was seen as an investment for decades to come rather than a quick solution for an outdated airport. Terminal 2 was a key infrastructural venture, tourism decimated since the onset of the recession and that has had a significant impact on footfall at Dublin Airport. , with its new technologies it lays the path for future prosperity and growth within the Irish tourism sector. Bibliography * http://centrim. mis. brighton. ac. uk/research/projects/t5 * http://www. economist. com/node/4300209 * http://www. hacan. org. uk/resources/briefings/hacan. briefing. heathrow_terminal_5. pdf

Yoga as an ancient spiritual practice

Abstract- This paper examines yoga as an ancient spiritual practice in India, the medical uses for yoga and the practice of it in the United States. This study reveals how yoga can be used to help those suffering from asthma and other pulmonary diseases; in addition, to alleviate constipation. There are a variety of body stretches and breathing exercises performed in yoga; furthermore, yoga has been used as a relaxation technique for many. There is a misconception in the practice of yoga in the United States. It is practiced as a method to relieve one self of the stresses caused by everyday life and meditation is used to temporarily block thoughts to encourage a deeper sense of temporary relaxation. Traditional yogis have been insulted by the interpretation of yoga in the West. Critics argue that yoga as a ‘pop' fitness trend has taken yoga out of its spiritual context and arranged it in a modern health club setting. Ancient yoga that is conducted in India differs greatly in its practices as compared to Western yoga as a fitness trend. The methods used to obtain information for this topic include: participant observation, three interviews were conducted; one with an American Yoga instructor, two were with American Yoga participants, in addition, extensive library research was conducted on Yoga. Introduction: The history of yoga in Ancient India dates back approximately five thousand years. It has been acknowledged in the United States since the early1960's. The many resources I have used to collect the data for this study gave inconsistent information pertaining to yoga's date of origin; therefore, I calculated an estimate. Its place of origin has been verified as India. â€Å"Yoga is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning union† (Harvard Heath Letter 1998:24). â€Å"When a mans union or existential contact with Being becomes [balanced and complete] he is transformed into a dynamic personality. Yoga may be defined as the art of harmonious and creative living. It stresses the need for the balanced growth of personality†¦it warns against extreme tendencies which mislead people into lopsided development.† (Chaudhuri 1974:37) It continues to describe such â€Å"lopsided† personalities as people who are unbalanced. For example, one who is overly social may be suppressing their own emotions, those who overly exercise the muscles may be under developing the brain, and those who over-exercise the brain may be neglecting the body. Yoga is an everyday concept in Indian culture; moreover, Sanskrit is the language of yoga. Yoga has been a source of religious and philosophical movements throughout history. â€Å"The basic issue of human suffering include moral, religious, and psychological problems, has been traced to one ultimate cause†¦self estrangement, alienation from existence, loss of contact with being, emotional conflicts, social discord, political wars, all of these†¦flow from mans loss of contact with the ground of existence.† (Bose 1996:48) Alienation and depression lead to emotional conflict; consequently, it may produce a feeling of restlessness; moreover, stress. Ancient yoga has called out to alleviate such problems and alleviate the anxiety caused by stress. It taught people how to take care of their minds and bodies; in addition, how to relate to other people. It also taught people what to eat and how to exist in nature. The majority of traditional yogis are vegetarian. Ancient yoga's goal was to emphasize complete spirituality and to be all to your human potential. â€Å"It emphasizes the need for balanced integration of the physical, emotional, intellectual, ethical, and religious aspects of personality† (Chaudhuri 1974:38). In the United States yoga is mainly practiced as relaxation therapy. Relaxation therapy has been used as â€Å"a broad term used to describe a number of techniques that promote stress reduction, the elimination of tension through the body, and a calm and peaceful state of mind† (Martin 2002:1). Stress and tensions experienced through everyday life have been linked to many illnesses including but not limited to: heart disease, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, anxiety disorders, insomnia, and substance abuse. â€Å"Stress can also trigger a number of physical symptoms including nausea, headache, hair loss, fatigue, and muscle pain† (Martin 2002:2). In addition to the benefits of yoga â€Å"it can also be tailored to people of different ages and different fitness levels. An athletic person will likely opt to do more [yoga] postures and hold them for longer than someone who is just beginning [in addition] many people use yoga as a complement to a sport or aerobic activity†¦stretches can [also] be done as a warm up [prior to a work out]† (Harvard Health Letter 1998:3). In reference to biomedical effectiveness â€Å"Yoga has been used to alleviate problems associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraine headaches, asthma, shallow breathing, backaches, constipation, diabetes, menopause, multiple sclerosis, varicose veins, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many chronic illnesses† (Dupler 2002:2). In this study I chose to focus on asthma and constipation due to the fact, there was more medical evidence established to confirm the practice of yoga assisting those health issues. Methods: The data for this study was obtained by researching the broad topic of yoga. The topic was then broken down into sub-groups including: medical aspects of yoga, ancient history of yoga, American yoga, and yoga for relaxation. In addition, interviews were conducted. One interviewee was an American yoga instructor; two others were American yoga participants. Each interviewee attended the same class. Moreover, I practice yoga and added my opinions and participant observations through the use of it. Paula was the yoga instructor I interviewed. When I asked her the question â€Å"Why did you decided to teach yoga?† she replied â€Å"I like helping people but I don't agree with the practice of biomedicine†. In response to my question â€Å"Why don't you agree with biomedicine?† She replied â€Å"It seems too rigid and rushed, [moreover] people don't seem to get the medical help they really need and most of the help they do receive is only a temporary fix.† Paula was a student at the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States for approximately three years. She has been teaching yoga as a certified teacher for approximately two years. To learn more about the Iyengar School of Yoga I looked it up on the internet and learned that the assessment for certification included: demonstrated practice of Asanas, a written exam, and demonstrated teachings. In the demonstrated practice of Asanas (poses) portion the students are expected to show a working knowledge of all of the poses in the syllabus for the assessment level, the written exam asked questions regarding the required reading on the syllabus as well as theoretical questions regarding teaching such as sequencing concepts, medical modifications etc. Their teaching skills in areas such as understanding of the pose and the knowledge of basic instruction, clarity of instruction, pacing, interaction with and manner toward the students, demonstration skills, observation of class and appropriate corrections, are critically evaluated before certification is granted. After passing the assessment all teachers are required to renew their certification bi-annually (http://www. Results: Through participant observation I noted that the environment in which American yoga is practiced is usually quiet, dimly lit, comfortable in temperature, and spacious. Floor mats are provided to comfort the participant during the session. Soft music is played in the background and a candle or incense it burned (depending on the instructor). The instructor speaks softly and verbally guides the group through a variety of asanas (poses). The instructor often moves about the room correcting participants' postures when appropriate. Relaxation and meditation is promoted through verbal suggestions and chants of Om. Moreover, each session last for approximately one hour. Linda was one of the participants I interviewed. She is married, has two school aged children, recently moved to the area, and is not employed. When I asked her who she chooses to participate in Yoga she replied â€Å"I don't work and the children are in school all day so yoga and [the other activities she engages in] gives me something to look forward to. I have also met many nice women that I have become friends with. I am not from the area so it has given me more of a sense of community.† Michelle was the final participant I interviewed. Michelle leads a very busy lifestyle. She is married with no children and works 50 hours per week; moreover, commutes one hour each way to work. In response to the question of why she chooses to practice yoga she responded, â€Å"it helps me clear my mind and forget everything that is going on in my life outside of this room, [it also] gives me an energy boost for the rest of the day or if I take an evening class it helps me sleep better.à ¢â‚¬  I also asked Michelle â€Å"How do you know yoga really helps you?† She revealed that â€Å"I used to suffer from anxiety disorders and had difficulty falling to sleep at night because so much was on my mind, after taking yoga classes for a few months I started to relax more and sleep better.† From my personal participant observations I agreed with much of what Michelle had concluded through her practices of yoga. I am a full time student and own and operate a small business. Moreover, there are additional things that life demands of me. I have been practicing yoga for approximately two years. I began practicing yoga because my fitness facility offered it. As I began to practice it weekly I noticed more movement and flexibility in my body. Then, I began to notice my mind that was once overloaded with stress from deadlines that needed to be met, became more relaxed. Moreover, my sleeping pattern became more regular and my mind and body felt more at ease, all of which I a ttribute to overall stress reduction. Yoga in America has been advertised as a means for relaxation and to free the self of stress. It is practiced in health clubs and spas in groups headed by a yoga instructor. There is no formal training an instructor must undergo to teach yoga in the U.S. There are seminars that can be completed from one week to six months; respectively, to obtain certification; nevertheless, one does not need certifications to teach a yoga class. In contrast, Ancient yoga's idea is that â€Å"of freedom in spiritual self expression, yoga does not believe in any standardized path for all to follow† (Chaudhuri 1974:21). Yoga is practiced in private or with a teacher (a yogi, male or yogin, female). â€Å"A yogi [yogin] is one who does not merely talk philosophy but lives philosophy, he does not simply have faith in God but experiences God† (Chaudhuri 1974:19). One becomes a yogi when his/her teacher gives permission to teach. The teacher (guru) guides the student through a spiritual path to self-realization. It is not until then, a student becomes a yogi. The guru's teachings can last for years before a student is ready to teach the yoga philosophy. Energy is said to be passed from the guru to the student or yogi. This process is the natural conversion practiced in India. â€Å"Yoga is not a matter of belief; it is the inner growth of consciousness which results in direct insight into the heart of reality [it is a] progressive realization of the full freedom of the inner spirit† (Chaudhuri 1974:22). The physical exercises and breathing exercises do not belong to the essence of yoga they are the â€Å"bodily preparation entitling one to take up higher phases of yogic practices such as concentration, meditation, and the like (Chaudhuri 1974:21). In conclusion, it appears that yoga practiced in America is in fact a preparation effort; moreover, the first stage in ancient yoga. In the American practices of yoga the physical exercises and breathing exercises are what is emphasized; resulting, in a relaxed state of mind and body. In addition to American yoga being practiced for relaxation and stress reduction, there has been a discovery that it is also used to help treat chronic illnesses that biomedicine has had difficulty managing. In this study I chose to focus on asthma and constipation due to the fact, there was more medical evidence established to confirm the practice of yoga assisting those health issues. Approximately ten-million Americans have asthma. It usually begins in childhood; although, it may also begin to show its signs in adult life (Dupler 2002:1). â€Å"In most cases asthma is caused by inhaling an allergen that sets off the chain of biomedical and tissue changes leading to airway inflammation, broncho- constriction, and wheezing. â€Å"Studies have shown that yoga significantly helps asthma sufferers, with exercises specifically designed to expand the lungs, promote deep breathing, and reduce stress† (Dupler 2002:2). Breathing exercises will strengthen and relax the muscles of the lungs. Controlling the breathing helps the respiratory muscles and lungs to develop and breathe more slowly reducing stress on the airways; consequently, reducing the chance of an asthma attack. Being able to control and focus breathing patterns also aids in the awareness in a change in regular breathing; in short, the onset of asthma attacks. Yoga has also been useful in the alleviation of abdominal gas; moreover, constipation. â€Å"Constipation is an acute or chronic condition in which bowel movements occur less often than usual†¦it is one of the most common medical complaints in the U.S† (Haggerty 2002:1). It can occur to any one at any age, although, it's more common among women. While conducting my interview with Paula, the yoga instructor, I asked her if she was aware of any medical uses for yoga. She informed me of several positions to relieve constipation discomfort. The first position is called a â€Å"knee-chest† position. It involves: * Standing straight with arms at the sides * Lifting the right knee toward the chest * Grasping the right ankle with the left hand * Pulling the legs as close to the chest as possible * Holding the position for about 10 seconds * And repeating those steps with the alternate leg The second position was called â€Å"cobra†. It involves the following steps: * Lying on the stomach with the legs together * Placing the palms just below the shoulders, keeping the elbows close to the body * While inhaling lift the head and chest off of the floor while keeping your face forward, also keep the naval in contact with the floor * The goal is to stretch and look as far upward as possible to elongate the abdomen * The cobra position must be held for about 8 seconds * Exhale as you lower the chest toward the floor In the interview with the yoga instructor, Paula remarked that, â€Å"Too often today when we have a headache we take a pill or something to stop the pain and discomfort. We try killing the pain instead of realizing and coming to an understanding that there's some thing causing the headache. Some people work too hard and try to juggle too much, maybe they ate something wrong for lunch, or are holding in negative emotions. Instead of realizing that stress in life exists we try to numb everything.† In my personal practices with yoga it has assisted me in the following: allowing full concentration, sleeping more soundly, increasing my energy level, and allowing my creativity to flow better. Linda one of the participants revealed that she suffers from asthma and she has tried a variety of medicines and in conjunction with Theophylline, her medication, yoga helps her in controlling her breathing. Her doctor also remarked about how beneficial yoga has been to her condition. Discussion: In terms of the American culture, yoga provides participants with a sense of relaxation that is necessary in such a busy society. Today, people are trying to balance many activities; including but not limited to, work, family, education, and other personal activities. Moreover, yoga helps provide many people with a social system to incorporate within. There is a misconception in the practice of yoga in the United States. It is practiced as a method to relieve one self of the stresses caused by everyday life and meditation is used to temporarily block thoughts to encourage a deeper sense of temporary relaxation. Traditional yogis have been insulted by the interpretation of yoga in the West. Critics argue that yoga as a ‘pop' fitness trend has taken yoga out of its spiritual context and arranged it in a modern health club setting. Ancient yoga that is conducted in India differs greatly in its practices as compared to Western yoga as a fitness trend. Yoga may also be compared with Christian healing groups and metaphysical groups in the following ways: each is practiced within a group setting and there is a call to a higher power. Each believes that â€Å"health and healing come from tapping into a powerful life force†¦this type of healing is based upon a wholly immanent power, fully within the reach of each believer† (McGuire 1998:79). â€Å"They believe that the key to the desired wholeness is mental more than purely spiritual†¦a healthy mind will help you have a healthy body† (McGuire 1998:81). The ancient practices of yoga highlight spirituality. â€Å"A yogi is one who does not merely talk philosophy but lives philosophy, he does not simply have faith in God but experiences God† (Chaudhuri 1974:19). Many Americans think of yoga as a religion and have reacted to it negatively. Some think that if they practice yoga then they would be undermining their personal religious beliefs. â€Å"Instead of undermining their personal faith, Yoga can actually deepen it†¦some yoga instructors are more religious than others, but Yoga itself is a tool for exploring the depth of our human nature†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Feurstein 1996:1).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethical aspect in management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethical aspect in management - Assignment Example Managers are struggling nowadays to improve the skills of individuals in order to meet the market expectations. As people from all around the world are in contact to do business, therefore unawareness to culture and norms of one another results in unethical practices and values occur in the business environment which results in decrease of trust and eventually huge losses are born by the organizations due to misunderstandings, thus managers have started to make sure that unethical values and practices are not occurring in their organization by using the methods and techniques of management under the light of theories and functions of management. To ensure the standard of ethics in an organization managers have to work hard to set the rules and they have to communicate the code of ethics to each and every employee so that everyone gets the information about the ethical standard which is required to be maintained in the organization. Managers also spend their time to monitor the busine ss carried out in the organization so that employees should develop the sense that they are not at their own to do whatever they want. It is suggested that simply caring for the utility and rights of others and justice while dealing in a business environment ensures that ethical values are being practiced in the organization. (b) Introduction: Management is the ability which is instinctively present in humans however some people are better managers than others because of certain factors which help them polish their ability more than others. Management means different things to different people (Haimann, 1974) but when this term is used in an environment related to business it refers to a process. What is Management' Defining Management The process of planning, decision-making, leading and controlling the available resources of an organization such as man-power, finance, machines and information in order to achieve the organizational goals in the best possible way is called management. Good management results in completion of projects using the resources wisely and in a cost effective manner in accordance with making right decisions and implementing them successfully (Portny, 2007). Management in Modern World Due to its importance in every organization and business environment, management has emerged as an important subject area which is widely studied and practiced all over the world. With the gigantic increase in the population of the world, productivity has emerged as a serious problem in the business organizations because the demand for the product has suddenly increased and despite of having capital and demand of product in the market, organizations are not able to increase their production due to lack of skilled labor (Malhotra, 1997). Therefore, the managers have started to think and search for methods and techniques to fulfill the customer's demand by using the existing labor. Management on this outline is the modern management and in this era managers struggle to improve the performance of the employees individually which in turn results in the improvement in the production of the organization. Management is a complex process because managers have to keep eye on various aspects at the same time therefore