Monday, September 30, 2019

IELTS Essay On Fast Food

Modern habits and lifestyles demand that we achieve many more goals and targets every day. Our iPhone, tablet, GPS and laptop enable us to communicate instantly, get instant answers and have access to instant information. We live very fast lives and many of us want this to extend to our eating habits. Fast food allows us to eat ‘tasty’, economic, convenient meals in a very short time. This is a vexing problem for health professionals and governments globally because, despite advances in scientific research, which tells us how bad a poor diet is for our health, the incidence of obesity is reaching epidemic levels in parts of the world, such as America, Europe and even parts of Asia, and much of it is due to an increased consumption of fast food.Disregard for the advice of health professionals is a malaise that can be directly linked with our modern world and its stressfully quick lifestyle and the highly successful, perhaps too successful, marketing and production of high fat, high sugar, low-nutrient food.What can a government do? They can manage their system of taxation to encourage the provision of healthy cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets. Conversely they can ‘punish’ unhealthy fast food companies with heavier taxation. They can also change the law with regard to the amount of sugar and fat that is allowed in prepared foods.With a determined and sustained campaign to improve people’s awareness and understanding of the dangers of fast food, authorities might do much to ameliorate the situation. However longterm and long-lasting dietary change would need to be part of a wider campaign to promote not just ‘slow' healthy food but a slower pace of life generally.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid

Greece and Turkey -By 1946, Greece and Czechoslovakia were the only countries in Eastern Europe that weren’t Communist. -Even in Greece, the government, which was being supported by British soldiers, was having to fight a civil war against the Communists. In February 1947, the British told Truman they could no longer afford to keep their soldiers in Greece. President Truman stepped in. The USA paid for the British soldiers in Greece. Truman noted that Turkey too was in danger from Soviet aggression, so Congress voted to give aid to Turkey as well. -Part of the money was given in economic and humanitarian aid, but most was spent on military supplies and weapons. Truman Doctrine In the 1930s, America had kept out of Europe’s business. Now, on 12 March 1947, Truman told Americans that it was America’s DUTY to interfere. His policy towards the Soviet Union was one of ‘containment’ – he did not try to destroy the USSR, but he wanted to stop it grow ing any more. This was called the ‘Truman Doctrine’. Greece -After WWI Greece appeared to be ‘under threat' from Communism. -Britain was unable to support Greece (as it had done in the past). -In 1947 Greece was under attack from Communist rebels and asked the USA for help. Communism -Truman was concerned about the spread of Communism and was determined to take action. -He offered arms, supplies and money to Greece. -Communism in Greece was defeated by 1949 following a civil war. Doctrine Truman was determined that the USA would not live in isolation. -The Truman Doctrine aimed to contain Communism, but not push it back – known as Containment. -Offered assistance to â€Å"all free peoples† resisting â€Å"attempted subjugation†. Marshall Aid -Truman saw war ravaged Europe as a â€Å"breeding ground† for Communism. -He felt it was vital to encourage countries to become prosperous again – to recover from the war. -US Secretary of State, George Ma rshall, propsed Marshall Aid (also know as the Marshall Plan) Just being helpful? -Helping European countries to recover also meant creating a market for US exports. -Also (although not publicly admitted) it was a clear aim to prevent the spread of Communism. -Stalin saw this as America trying to buy support. Tension -Between 1947-51 12 billion dollars was given in aid! -Vital help for recovery. -However, Stalin refused Marshall Aid and banned Eastern European countries under the USSR's control from accepting it. -This created tension on both sides.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF ADOPTING A GERMAN SOFTWARE FRANCHISE IN BULGARIA A case study of ALLSAT - Dissertation Example CHAPTER III - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Philosophy Research philosophy is the conviction concerning the approach to collect, analyse and use data for a particular subject of concern (H. J. Rubin and I. S. Rubin, 2012; Abbott, 2010; Blaxter, Hughe and Tight, 2006). There are two major research philosophies namely positivism and interpretivism. Positivism philosophy is regarded as the philosophy of research preferring scientific methods of research. On the other hand interpretivism is considered as anti-positivism and hence they do not believe in scientific research. According to Tobin and Joseph (2006) and Mukherji and Albon, 2009; Ashwin, 2011) the researchers believing in the philosophy of positivism also believes that the reality in which everything exists is stable in nature and it can be articulated from an objective point of view (Guba and Lincoln, 2005; City University of Hong Kong, 2011). A researcher believing in positivism philosophy believes that it is sensible to colle cting statistical information and thus considers quantitative methodology. On the other hand, according to Hinkel (2005) a researcher who believes in interpretivism philosophy or phenomenological philosophy deems that the behaviour of the human being is the outcome of their perception about the circumstances (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009; Wimmer & Dominick, 2011). Interpretivism encompasses a number of specific and focused movements which facilitates a detailed study since the collection of data moves beyond the predetermined categories that are present in deductive research approach (Cooper, 2012, p. 17). For this method of research a strong insight and potential to reflection is necessary for curving out important patterns of information from â€Å"a body of observations† (Babbie, 2010, p. 51). An interpretivist tries to gain in-depth insights interpretation and perception about the people and how they see the world around us. They believe that instead of collecting statistical information about the subject of concern, it is judicious to collect in-depth views of the participants. As a result of that, researchers who believe in interpretivism philosophy consider qualitative research to address the area of concern. This study is aimed to evaluate the impact of adopting a German software franchise in Bulgaria and thus it requires collection of qualitative data, hence interpretivism philosophy is appropriate for the study. Research Approach Generally two methods are used for conducting the research and establish the reasoning behind why such approach of research has been adopted. These two approaches of research are the inductive approach and the deductive approach. These two research paradigms follow two different approaches towards research and several researchers have discussed these approaches in light of different perspectives (Hussey and Hussey, 1997; Bryman and Bell, 2007; Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2010; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). Ded uctive Research Deductive research refers to an approach to research in which the researcher chooses a theoretical assumption to test it through the process of research and establish its validity. The researcher begins her task by studying the theory. Then she generates a hypothesis

Friday, September 27, 2019

The United States and the floundering war on terror Essay

The United States and the floundering war on terror - Essay Example The War on Terror which was initiated as a response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States initially showed great promise in ridding the world and the United States of the risks associated with terrorism. As the war on terror wore on without any definite progress being gained in fighting terrorism and in bringing the terrorists to justice, it became more apparent that the war was becoming an ineffectual means to resolve the terrorist issue. The war against terror appeared to be floundering. This chapter shall discuss the US and the floundering war on terror. This chapter shall also discuss the challenges being confronted by the Obama Administration and the way forward which can be gained from the years of war. Discussion The September 11 attacks resulted in the launching of the War on Terror and a support for President George W. Bush’s war against terror. Prior to the attacks, Bush’s administration was criticized for its international military policies. In the wake of the attacks however, a worldwide condemnation for terrorism was seen. And the war on terror raged over Afghanistan and over Iraq for years. It claimed many lives and caused the destruction of many communities and structures in Afghanistan and Iraq. As the war went on for years without much progress being gained in managing the terrorist issue, debates and rumblings on the war were slowly being expressed from various interest groups, countries, and organizations. And like another Vietnam War, the war on terror started to flounder and lose popular support. The terrorist attack in 2005 in London which was reportedly initiated by the Al Qaeda group was just one of the indications which pointed to the glaring truth that the War on Terrorism was not working. In 2004, the Bush Administration cancelled its publication of the yearly â€Å"Patterns of Global Terrorism† report which would have manifested that the terrorist attacks increased significantly from 17 5 in 2003 to 625 in 2004 (Gregory, 2005). Throughout the years, the War Party has been claiming that the War on Terrorism has successfully minimized the number of terrorist attacks throughout the globe; however, all other data seem to oppose this claim (Gregory, 2005). Other groups supporting the war on terror were also firm in their support for the war, even when Rumsfeld’s leaked report indicated the limitations of the US in fighting the war on terror. Rumsfeld’s report indicated that â€Å"the US is putting relatively little effort into a long-range plan, but we are putting a great deal of effort into trying to stop terrorists. The cost-benefit ratio is against us! Our cost is billions against the terrorists’ costs of millions† (Gregory, 2005). Analysts pounced on the implications of this leaked report and they effectively pointed out that the war on terror could only be a failure because even with the necessary precautions taken against the war on ter ror, these terrorist attacks cannot really be stopped altogether. These analysts also point out that only by evaluating the US and Western policies in the Middle East which triggered violence, could any progress in the fight against terrorism be gained (Gregory, 2005). Critics of the war on terror also condemned Bush’s policy of preeminent strike or â€Å"strike first before anyone strikes us.† This attitude has been criticized for giving rise to policies which have been wholly ineffectual. â€Å"Behind the hype, there’s a long list of failures to tackle key issues, and not much prospect of improvement† (Plesch, 2002). For one, the government of Saudi Arabia expressed that it did not support the war on terror. Some Saudi citizens are actually members of the Al-Qaeda group or are supporting their efforts financially; and yet Bush is not aggressively dealing with Saudi Arabia (Plesch, 2002). US Special

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Case study - Essay Example Ang Siow Lee. He moved up the corporate ladder through hard work and he reached the executive management level. His technical expertise helped the company improve processes and reduce waste within the operations. A second stakeholder is a new manager named Mr. Davidson. Mr. Davidson had a totalitarian attitude and personality. He always expressed his concerns, but he often spoke in a loud aggressive manner which made the employees feel bad. There were communication problems at Alpha Plantation. These problems were creating frictions and a lack of trust between the employees and the managerial staff Despite his attitude Mr. Davidson was a bright person with great ideas on how to improve the problem. When he first took command of this managerial position he identified seven significant problems and issues that needed immediate attention. A list of the issues the company was facing is illustrated below: Mr. Davidson received after six month a poor rating review. This event affected him emotionally and psychological. He became a passive person that did not care about his job. On the personal level he became an alcoholic. Friction occurred between Mr. Davidson and Mr. Ang. Eventually the internal conflict escalate so much that Davidson and Ang had a confrontation in public that cause a public spectacle within the organization. Mr. Ang was fired for insubordination and gross misconduct. Mr. Davidson lacked confidence and motivation toward the end which affected his performance as an employee. The conflict that occurred could have been prevented if the top managers of the company implemented better communication internally and externally. In terms of internal communication the managers needs to improve the communication among themselves and between the managers and the floor employees. Two techniques that can be used by managers to improve motivation are internal and external rewards (Beswich). An example of an intrinsic reward is congratulating an employee for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management International and Comparative HRM Essay

Management International and Comparative HRM - Essay Example Globalization widens the gap between rich and poor. The implications of globalization are required to be incorporated by the governments in its policies and the companies are required to cope with it in order to survive in the industry. The public in many countries become anxious as it may affect the culture and values negatively or it may displace jobs. There are both losers and gainers in the process of globalization. There is a fear regarding globalization that it may widen the gulf between have and have not’s, strong and weak, traditional and modern (Poole, 1999, p.75). In one side, it enrich the people or countries to take the advantage or lead the process while on the other side, it will leave behind many others who will be worse or marginalized. The cultural and economic globalization is growing through many countries. The persistence of poverty, growing inequities among and within countries and the link between phenomenon’s is very strong. The external envir onment has been more significant in influencing the level of available resources and the way they are used. The thesis of strong globalization argues that the growing pervasiveness of multinational enterprises is creating a borderless world where the economic and political interventions undertaken by nation states are becoming increasingly meaningless (Briscoe, Schuler and Tarique, 2012, pp.56-57). In other words, the public policies implemented by national legislatures for regulating the activities of multinational companies are increasingly becoming ineffective. Globalization need not necessarily be bad. But it can have more negative effects on the countries that are not prepared to adapt globalization. There has been a return to... This paper stresses that the success of international human resource management in future depends on the ability of companies in developing the executives of international human resource with a broad global perspective having a global mindset, strong strategic and technical business skills and international experience. The function of international human resource management is faced with many challenges in the hyper-competitive and chaotic global market place of today. The multinational enterprises are required to confront with these issues now and in future. The vocational training is not offered there in companies and there exist few relations of union. The market is mainly based on competition. Germany has a typical structure of governance which is based on the insider forms like bank loans. There, the relations of employee are assumed for longer term and in the training process of companies, vocational training is normally offered. The market is based mainly on collaborative netw orks. The trade unions commonly exist in industry. This report makes a conclusion that the international human resource departments are required to provide and develop the support services at international level. The continuing globalization or internationalization of human resource management parallels the continuing globalization or internationalization of business. The firms are required to make its development and increase the professionalization of international human resource management to be called global human resource management.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 97

History - Essay Example ther end focused on the economy while reforms had to do with the state’s financial systems to provide protection from a repeat of such severe depression. This series of programs changed the role of the federal government in American life. Firstly, the new deal fundamentally redefined the relationship between the federal government and the citizens. The government took the responsibility to care for people unlike in the past. Initially, the federal government was detached from the common man and as such their financial security or propensity was not much their concern. After enactment of the new deal, the federal government financed the public service jobs which solved the problem of unemployment. The new deal created programs that targeted to keep the citizens secure like the FDIC and social security. The federal government became peoples’ prosperity and economic security provider when things would go bad coming to their rescue (Taylor, n.d). Secondly, the role of government towards its citizens was redefined. The new deal made the government take the roles of recovery, relief as well as reform. Roosevelt’s ideologies made the government’s role more expansive unlike was the ordinary. Thus, governments took to intervene on issues that affected the public. The federal government became the source for solution of Americans problems. The reforms that targeted the banking sector and stock market brought about recovery. The federal government protected home mortgages and thus made it recover from the depression (Taylor, n.d). These efforts pioneered by Roosevelt in under the new deal programs set a precedence that was to become the role of the federal government in the lives of the American people. Further, Reliefs initially were provided by charity organizations and local governments. This was redefined by Roosevelt under the new deal programs. The new deal brought federal reliefs to millions of Americans during the recession. Thousands of men were able to be

Monday, September 23, 2019


PRIORITIZING PROJECTS AT D. D. WILLIAMSON - Essay Example As a means of understanding Williamson’s model, the core components of his prioritization will be understood as: 1) establishing the criteria for prioritizing, 2) weighting the criteria, 3) refining the project lists as a result of steps one and two 4)developing shareholder buy in based upon the results that the weighting has generated. Due to the fact that such a complex layer of decision must be made on a daily basis with regards to prioritization, it is D. D. Williamson’s belief that such a process itself should not be left to a type of change (Segal 1999). Rather, to define, categorize, and formalize the approach to how work tasks are completed is something that should be both transparent and a bit formulaic; so as to reduce the overall level of shareholder biases that could possibly be reflected within the process. Although this process and formulization of the project and workflow management process is visionary, it does represent some key shortcomings as well as some key strengths that will herein be discussed. Firstly, with reference to the way that these steps provide for an improvement within traditional project prioritization, the reader can quickly infer that the means by which such an approach are actually realied far exceed the ways that leaders and management typically venture into prioritizing work flow. Due to the fact that humans are of course innately self interested and seeking to maximize their own utility at each and every step, it is more often the case than not that work flow is organized and prioritized based upon what leadership sees as the best means to promote a given agenda or project. In this way, providing a level of formulization such as what D. D. Williamson has done helps to keep the process on track and as little influenced by shareholder bias as possible. Although there still exists a high level of bias that could come

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Network Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Network Society - Essay Example As the study highlights through network society, Information, Communication Technology (ICTS) have come up with numerous social, political and economic phenomena, a term that emerged from various theorists to explain a society that is connected by mass and telecommunication networks. Additionally, the ICTs demonstrate a society as a transformation era from an industrial age to an information age, which is central to the working of the economy. This enables annihilation of space and facilitates globalization. Of importance to note is that, network society is a global network that has led to decentralization of organization from vertical hierarchies to horizontal corporations. Large corporations decentralize themselves as networks of semi-autonomous units. From this paper it is clear that in a network society there exist a network economy, which acts as a new, efficient form of organization of production, distribution and management that facilitates substantial increase in productivity growth rate especially in the United States and related countries that have adopted these new forms of economic organization. In fact, many businesses have increasingly adopted a virtual approach to work space. This situation has led to evolution of business into a large organization a network that contains workforce that is distributed over diverse locations and time zones. These working forms have continually created new cultures and forms of belonging, over and above, gaining identity. In light of the network society, social network has enormously contributed to a global village as would be expected.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coaching Role Model Essay Example for Free

Coaching Role Model Essay The coaches today at UCLA where all coached by Sue Enquist and all former UCLA players. Well finding as much information as I could on Sue Enquist I used the Google Search Engine typing search terms such as, UCLA Coach Sue Enquist getting 289,000 results with 10 articles pertaining to my topic. More terms that I used were Sue Enquist Softball with that I got 175,000 results with 7 articles some of them being from the search I used from above. Last search term I used was Sue Enquist Coaching Philospohy with 4, 190 results and 4 helpful articles. Most of the articles came from her own personal website that had some videos of her speaking to young softball players sharing her coaching philosophy along knowledge of the game of softball and what makes a champion along with a successful player/person. There were also things that she have said that are very vital to players and coaches. One that I really like was â€Å"Every Champions road is different, but there is a theme that is woven throughout all of them. My goal is to give you the common tools that all champions possess which enables them to master their level of success. I look forward to the opportunity customize your action plan. † Just be reading this quote you can get an idea of what kind of coach she is and it declares why she was so successful as a coach. There was another Website that I came across where other coaches, former players, and friends that she knew had to say about her. John Wooden was one of them and he had said â€Å"It’s the person she is that impresses me the most†. Her former players basically said that she helped them grow as a player, gave them confidence, and they way she ran a team was a way you run your life always using the reference â€Å"when you’re the real world†. When coming across the article of her coaching philosophy was very interesting and it made a lot of sense. That’s how I would want my coaching philosophy similar to hers. Her coaching philosophy is Prepare for the game , love the game, honor the game. When preparing for the game comes dedication and having leadership training to love the struggle that others avoid or hear. That’s when you truly honor your passion. You love the game, learn to respect it and everything else apart of it. In conclusion, Sue Enquist is an inspirational to other coaches and also to young athletes. All in all her one goal is to guide athletes to be the best that they can be and give their 100 percent in life and in sports. I learned a lot of information and learned new things about what it takes to be a good coach.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Justice in Environmental Geography

Justice in Environmental Geography Outline what you understand by the term justice, and critically assess how it has been integrated into the field of environmental geography. In relation to the essay title, environmental justice as a concept emerged in the 1980s, and since then, the concept of environmental justice has been closely linked to and integrated into the field of environmental geography, in describing and explaining the spatial aspects of the interaction between the environment and humans. In this essay, before assessing how it has been integrated into the field of environmental geography, I will first have to define the concept and meaning of environmental justice. Furthermore, by referencing to several academic studies and case studies, I will attempt to highlight the significance of the connection between term justice and environmental geography, in providing evidence to demonstrate how the term justice is applied in the field of environmental geography, as well as limitations in relation to the concept of environmental justice, which limits the usage and significant of the concept in the field of environmental geography. The core concept of environmental justice suggests that, no one regardless of their demographics, should bear a disproportionate amount of the negative environmental hazards or risks induced by commercial, industrial and governmental decisions or actions in relation to their operations, development and the implementation of environmental laws and policies (Holifield 2001; Schlosberg, 2007; EPA 2012).It also signifies that people should be involved and entitled to have a chance to form or provide opinions on activities that can impact their environment, and that the regulatory agency will consider the opinions provided by the public when decision-making (EPA, 2012). In relation to that, environmental geographyis a school of geography, which primarily focuses on examining the spatial aspects of interactions between humans and the environment; to understand the dynamic, ever-changing relationship between human activities and the environment (Castree et al.,2009). As pointed out by Reed George (2011), environmental justice as a research theme are popular among other subjects and schools, and are not solely researched by environmental geographers. However, they argued that geographers position is rather unique, as their role is to understand the dynamic human-environment relations, to consider the social and spatial distributions of environmental effects, risk, impacts or hazards, and to identify the cause and factors that contribute to the continued occurrence of inequality (Reed et. al, 2011). One case study example which can demonstrate how environmental justice has been integrated into the field of environmental geography is the study carried out by Pastor, Sadd Hipp (2001). In the study, by referred to the earliest work in this field; researchers had identified that in predominantly industrialized societies, a disproportionate share of environmental hazards often occur in minority neighborhoods (Bullard, 1990; Been 1995; Pastor et al., 2001). One of the location highlighted by the studies is Los Angeles County in the US, as evidences suggested that disproportionate exposure to toxic storage and disposal facilities and toxic air releases associated with the industry is present (Burke, 1993; Sadd, Pastor, Boer, Snyder 1999; Pastor et. al, 2001). With the findings as a foundation, and Los Angeles County as a case study location, the researchers proceeded to address the minority move-in or disproportionate siting question; to find out whether the disproportionate exposure of minorities to toxic storage and disposal facilities was due to the moving- in of minority residents, triggered by the siting of the facility which increases perceived risks of exposu re to environmental hazards, and reduces the actual quality of the environment, which causes land values to diminish, or whether it was solely due to disproportionate siting of these facilities (Pastor et. al, 2001). Subsequently, after statistical hypothesis tests and census data were utilized, they were able to confirm that demographics of the population within an area affects the siting of the facilities, and areas with a high low-income and minority population were most likely to be subjected to the implementation of toxic storage and disposal facilities (Pastor et. al, 2001). However, toxic storage and disposal facilities do not tend to attract minorities to move-in; in-fact, unexpectedly, the facilities tend to repel and not attract minorities to move in (Pastor et. al, 2001). This suggests that there is a need to implement policies and changes to protect the minorities subjected to hazard, as the results seemed to suggest that disproportional exposure was not due to minority moving-in to take advantage of cheaper housing, but in-fact the facilities were actively causing the disproportional exposure due to their siting decision (Pastor et. al, 2001). The concept of Environmental justice and related case studies were integrated in environmental geography, as it provided an explanation to geographers, on the implication of human- induced activities and decisions on the environment, and to provide theories in attempt to explain why spatial variations on level of pollution across different parts of the environment occur, in relation to spatial inequality and injustice (Castree et al., 2009; Reed et al., 2011). Furthermore, by referring to the spatial distribution of pollution, policy- makers could use Statistical Methods to monitor Environmental Pollution and calculate the risks involved, which aids the introduction and implementation of emergency measures, or redevelopment plans for contaminated land, to focus on minimizing the increased risks of environmental hazard and reduce the overall level of pollution that minorities are exposed to, in order to reinforce environmental justice (Gilbert, 1987; Alloway et. al., 1997; Smith, 2013 ). However, one could argue that the concept might not have been perfectly integrated in the study of environmental geography. Reed George (2011) had highlighted the fact that the concept of environmental justice stemmed from America in the 1980s, and researches revolved around the concept had since then, remained centralized in the United States of America, supported by the fact that out of 114 articles on environmental justice found in GeoBase in 2009, there are only 46 literature which involves case studies outside USA, plus there were only 15 pieces of literature which involved the research on two developing countries. The researchers had also pointed out that most environmental justice research conducted between the years of 2005 and 2009, were in-fact by American researchers, or researchers in America (Reed et al., 2011). Moreover, Reed George (2011) had also identified that, in 2009, about 50 percent of the authors involved in publishing articles related to environmental justic e, identified in Geobase, were associated with at least one American institution. In contrast, the amount of literature published by researches from New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Australia were significantly lower (Reed et al., 2011). Furthermore, the concept remained heavily skewed research, as less than 10 percent of all articles were published by researchers in the developing countries. Additionally, many studies were focused on a single country or an area within a country; Walker Burninghams (2011) study on flood risks focused on examples within the UK, whereas Pastor, Sadd Hipps (2001) study focused solely on the spatial differences and other factors within the LA county. As stated by the researchers, the finding mentioned in the research mentioned previously in this essay may apply for the LA county, but it might be far from accurate when applied to explain the spatial difference of hazards and risks within a different country, hence prevent researchers to apply the concept of environmental justice, and identify a model to highlight the spatial difference in hazards globally (Pastor et al., 2001). This is due to the variations in spatial distribution of the population and industry among different countries, as well as the difference in political policies which affects urban development and planning (Reed et al., 2011). These could imply that environmental justi ce is integrated in the studies of environmental geography in a regional scale, and not in a global scale. Also, the concept of environmental justice might not apply to other countries other than America, due to the fact that it contains a skewed representation from American researchers, meaning that the empirical and conceptual focus of environmental justice had only expanded marginally since the establishment of the concept, thus preventing environmental geographers to study the global spatial aspects on the interactions between human activities and the environment in a wider context (Reed et al., 2011). In conclusion, the concept of environmental justice and relevant case studies on the surrounding this concept are integrated into environmental geography. This is mainly because through using this concept, it helps environmental geographers in their research by highlight how environmental decisions induced by humans can induce a hazardous environment, and why some part of the population are more prone to be affected by the hazards as a result. However, the limitations as mentioned above, in regards to most of the researches on environmental justice were done focusing on America and are heavily skewed, means that environmental justice as a concept might not be significant to the study of environmental geography, as the concept cannot relate well to countries outside the US, nor is it significant when applied globally, for geographers to highlight global spatial difference, and to study the dynamics between human- induced actions and the environment on a global scale. Reference Alloway, B. Ayres, C (1997) Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution, Second Edition. CRC Press. Arild Holt-Jensen (1999) Geography History and Concepts: A Students Guide. London: SAGE Been, V. (1995) Analyzing evidence of environmental justice. Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, 11, 1–37. Bullard, R. (1990) Dumping in Dixie: Race, class and environmental quality. Boulder: Westview Press. Burke, L. (1993) Race and environmental equity: A geographic analysis in Los Angeles. Geoinfo Systems 44–50. Castree, N., Demeritt, D., Liverman, D. Rhoads, B. (2009) A Companion to Environmental Geography. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Gilbert, R. (1987) Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring. Wiley. Holifield, R. 2001. Defining environmental justice and environmental racism. Urban Geography 22 (1): 78-90. Pastor, M., Sadd, J. Hipp, J. (2001) Which Came First? Toxic Facilities, Minority Move-In, and Environmental Justice. Journal of Urban Affairs 23 (1): 1-21. Wiley-Blackwell. Reed, M., George, C. (2011) Where in the world is environmental justice? Progress in Human Geography, 35, 835–842. Sadd, J., Pastor, M., Boer, J., Snyder, L. (1999) â€Å"Every breath you take†: The demographics of toxic air releases in southern California. Economic Development Quarterly, 13(2),107–123. Schlosberg, D (2007) Defining Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements, and Nature. USA: Oxford University Press. Smith, K (2013) Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster. Fifth Edition. Routledge. U.S. Environemntal Protection Agency (2012) Environmental Justice: Basic Information. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 22nd March 2014] Walker, G. Burningham, K. (2011) Flood risk, vulnerability and environmental justice: Evidence and evaluation of inequality in a UK context. Critical Social Policy 2011 31: 216. Sage.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Malaria :: essays research papers fc

The Disease†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That lead everyone in for a great awaking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Malaria in humans is caused by a protozoon of the genus Plasmodium and the four subspecies, falciparum, vivax, malariae, and ovale. The species that causes the greatest illness and death in Africa is P. falciparum. The disease is transmitted by the bites of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, of which the Anopheles gambiae complex (the most efficient) is responsible for the transmission of disease in Africa. Fever is the main symptom of malaria. The most severe manifestations are cerebral malaria (mainly in children and persons without previous immunity), anemia (mainly in children and pregnant women), and kidney and other organ dysfunction (e.g., respiratory distress syndrome). Persons repeatedly exposed to the disease acquire a considerable degree of clinical immunity, which is unstable and disappears after a year away from the endemic-disease environment. Immunity reappears after malarial bouts if the person returns to an endemic-disease zone. Most likely to die of malaria are persons without previous immunity, primarily children or persons from parts of the same country (e.g., high altitudes) where transmission is absent, or persons from more industrialized countries where the disease does not exist. Why Is Malaria Reemerging? Do you think that when that thought they got everyone that had Malaria it was over? Well I think you knoe that’s no where this titie nor paragraph. In the last decade, the prevalence of malaria has been escalating at an alarming rate, especially in Africa. An estimated 300 to 500 million cases each year cause 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths, more than 90% in children under 5 years of age in Africa. Malaria has been estimated to cause 2.3% of global disease and 9% of disease in Africa; it ranks third among major infectious disease threats in Africa after pneumococcal acute respiratory infections (3.5%) and tuberculosis (TB) (2.8%). Cases in Africa account for approximately 90% of malaria cases in the world. Between 1994 and 1996, malaria epidemics in 14 countries of sub-Saharan Africa caused an unacceptably high number of deaths, many in areas previously free of the disease. Adolescents and young adults are now dying of severe forms of the disease. Air travel has brought the threat o f the disease to the doorsteps of industrialized countries, with an increasing incidence of imported cases and deaths from malaria by visitors to endemic-disease regions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A number of factors appear to

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Underlying Messages in Everything That Rises Must Converge and Good Cou

Underlying Messages in Everything That Rises Must Converge and Good Country People      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge" and "Good Country People" have extremely complex story lines. What makes these stories so involved is how the characters relate to others. Discovering who the characters in the stories are and what they represent becomes the reader's purpose and goal. In order to truly understand her stories the reader must look deeper than the surface. The underlying messages must be searched for as a person looking for hidden treasure.         Ã‚  Ã‚   In the first story the character Julian is the key to unlocking the meaning behind the story. Julian has gone to college and has developed his mind. Because of this he views himself as superior to those around him, especially his mother. The mother, although given to prejudices, has a kind heart. This seems to be the main difference between these two characters. Julian puts more stock in how educated a person is and the importance of having a well-developed mind. He sees his mother as lost in the past. He says to her, "You haven't the foggiest idea where you stand now or who you are" (1081). Her sky-blue eyes are described as "innocent and untouched by experience as they must have been when she was ten" (1080). Although Julian's mother is proud of his education, she knows a heart full of love is more important than a head full of empty knowledge. He believes that it is foolish to let feelings get in the way of facts. He believes that he is "unafraid to face f acts" (1085). Is he really though? He has cut himself emotionally free from his mother and from society in general; but is he completely objective? According to Way... ...hey had been educated, they saw the rest of the world as inferior. In reality they were blind to the real world. Their education only made it harder for them to see what was going on around them. In both cases it took something drastic and terrible in order for them to break out of the fetters of education that were holding them captive.       Works Cited    Booth, Wayne C. "A Rhetorical Reading of O'Connor's 'Everything That Rises Must Converge.'" The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1634-37.    O'Connor, Flannery. "Everything That Rises Must Converge." The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 1999. 1080-91.    ---. "Good Country People." The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1091-1105.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Broadcasting in the UK Essay -- Television TV Antenna Digital Essays P

Broadcasting in the UK Introduction: Broadcasting, the transmission of information by radio or television, is a major factor affecting the television industry today. Broadcasting is currently achieved through analogue, a system that has existed since television began in the 1940’s and 50’s. "Analogue converts sound and pictures into waves, which are then transmitted through the air and picked up by our rooftops or indoor aerials." But, because of rapid technological advances in the modern era, analogue will soon be obsolete, and is presently in the process of being replaced by digital broadcasting, the new form of broadcasting that "turns pictures and sound into computer language, which changes one’s television into a form of computer, so that it can connect to the Internet, take interactive programs, and carry many more channels," all of which cannot be accomplished through analogue. As modern technology grows, the television industry is introduced to major issues, such as low consumer confidence, analogue switch-off difficulties, and the lack of technical skills. And unless these problems are resolved soon, they will lead to the collapse of the television industry. Lack of skills: Concerns associated with employee technical skills is becoming very common in the digital TV industry. The industry fears that its employees may lack the advanced technical knowledge required for the future. Its major concern right now is to find the right people with the right skills to effectively implement future strategies. Digital TV companies must become much more competent, innovative and creative, which means that its employees must be willing to develop themselves and their company in order to sustain the industry. As many are aware, IT skills will be very essential to the well-being of the industry. Because a number of shoppers today are already purchasing products online – and Internet access via digital TV exists, advanced IT skills are definitely required for the future health of the digital TV industry. However, since the demand for specialist IT skills is increasing and the human resources are limited, there exists a shortfall – one that appears to worsen . It has been reported by e-commerce consultancy, Spectrum Strategy, that over 850,000 e-business jobs could be created in Britain by 2003. But unfortunately, due to skills shortages, the digital TV indu... ...emove public confusion. However, ONDigital and SkyDigital have also pursued a common plan. Both companies have negotiated a plan with the UK Parliament to aid their shared issue. But unfortunately for both, Parliament has not yet conducted any of its promised public info campaigns. Conclusion: In conclusion, the future of digital television is unpredictable. Who knows where our high-tech society will end up next? Because technological advances are happening "right before our eyes," the TV industry is forced to "keep up with" modern technology. If this cannot be accomplished effectively, the industry will experience its gradual downfall. The UK government must help the industry "stay on track" and ensure that its products are agreeable to public interest. But in order to do so, Parliament must take a serious stand on the issue and motivate itself to promote public awareness of the benefits of converting to digital TV. If Parliament fails to play an "active" role, results for the television industry will be extremely negative. Not only will this give the industry a "bad" reputation, but it will also cause the Parliament itself to have a long-term negativereputation as well.

Cycle of Violence and Child Abuse Intergenerational Transmission

The â€Å"cycle of violence hypothesis† is a theory that mainly seeks to clarify why and how the behavior of an individual who commits family and domestic violence may transform dramatically with time. Furthermore, this theory provides an understanding of the reasons why an individual who has been a victim of either domestic or family violence would go on facing the violent situation (Finkelman, 1995). The term â€Å"intergeneration transmission† refers to the occurrence of something between generations.It further described as a process that allows for people to recognize the modalities of conflict that relate to the generations which preceded the birth of an individual (American Heritage Dictionary, 2006). It is the objective of this paper to explain in detail the â€Å"cycle of violence† hypothesis as it relates to the intergenerational transmission of mistreating children. The â€Å"cycle of violence† hypothesis relates to the intergenerational transmis sion of mistreating children as exhibited via the principles of social learning theory.Here a parent that is usually physically punitive would most likely have a child that becomes aggressive because that is the kind of response pattern the child has been accustomed to (Kalverboer, Genta, & Hopkins, 1999). This theory puts it that violent actions are learnt through positive reinforcement patterns and is more often than not imitated. It is important to note that when a child grows up with such a parent, the child will exercise such kind of an approach in raising their own offspring, thus this cycle of violence is in a position to persist through to the future generations.In addition to this, a parent plays that most crucial role in the life a child (Tomison, 1996). Genetic components of aggressive behavior (Kalverboer, Genta, & Hopkins, 1999) equally result in a cycle of violence in which children are maltreated and it is generational. Under this, it is assumed that the predispositio n of a parent for violence is inherited by a child. This inherited predisposition perpetuates the cycle of maltreatment especially towards children thus increasing the probability of such children subsequently maltreating their own children.Thus the cycle is fueled in the sense that through genes, generations of abusive parents persist. The interaction of environmental and genetic factors is a major factor to consider when relating the cycle of violence to intergenerational transmission of mistreating children. A mere genetic predisposition simply puts a person at the risk of expressing violent behavior but then it takes the interaction of environmental and genetic factors to actually produce the greatest risk of the display of violent behavior (Kalverboer, Genta, & Hopkins, 1999).When a child has inherited the genes of abusive character from the parents, it is the surrounding environment that fuels the degree of this behavior because of the experiences and thus they are carried for ward to their children. As a consequence, the cycle of violent behavior in terms of child maltreatment is perpetrated (Tomison, 1996). According to a research done on intergenerational transmission of abuse, an examination was done where by the history of a parent in terms of abuse in relation to their abusive behavior toward the children was hypothesized (Pearsa & Capaldi, 2001).Furthermore, the effect of the extent of an abuse and the possibility of the concerned individual becoming abusive were equally considered. From this study it was reported that the parents who had an abusive childhood were more likely to take part in abusive behavior in the next generation. These findings illustrate that the â€Å"cycle of violence† has a great link to the intergenerational transmission of mistreating children (Tomison, 1996).Much as there is a lot of evidence to connect the cycle of violence to the intergenerational transmission of mistreating children it is important to note that n ot all people who experience an abusive childhood become abusive parents in future. In addition, the cycle of violence can be broken via social support programs especially to the single parents (Langeland & Dijkstra, 2006). Another way through which this vice can be eradicated is via the support from the spouse who realizes the partner could have been a victim of abuse in their childhood.It is also important to consider positive moves such as focusing on interventions that would prevent the cycle of violence from persisting through to other generations. References: American Heritage Dictionary. (2006). The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition . New york: Houghton Mifflin . Finkelman, B. (1995). Child Abuse: Short- and long-term effects. London: Taylor & Francis. Kalverboer, A. F. , Genta, M. L. , & Hopkins, J. B. (1999). Current issues in developmental psychology: biopsychological perspectives.New Mexico: Springer. Langeland, W. , & Dijkstra, S. ( 2006). Breaking the intergenerational transmission of child abuse: Beyond the mother-child relationship. Child Abuse Review , 4 (1). Pearsa, K. C. , & Capaldi, D. M. (2001). Intergenerational transmission of abuse: a two-generational prospective study of an at-risk samplesmall star, filled. Child Abuse & Neglect , 25 (11). Tomison, A. M. (1996). Intergenerational Transmission of Maltreatment. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from http://www. aifs. gov. au/nch/pubs/issues/issues6/issues6. html

Monday, September 16, 2019


This report is focusing mainly on the identification of stakeholders in the canadian rockies, asses their inetrests, goals, and priorities in a sustainable way, assessing the effectiveness of current strategies for stakeholders management, Analyse it, focus on the level of power of each stakeholder. And finally, look into what their stake is, every stakeholder have a stake for which its level of interest is attached. Stakeholder is the group or the body that can affect or be affected directly or indirectly by the action of the business as a whole Bleasdale Module class 3rd week, and Stakeholders Analysis (SA) is the â€Å"identification of a projects key stakeholders, an assessment of their interests and the ways in which these interests affect project riskiness and viability† (DfiD, 1995). Buttresing this point on Stakeholders Analysis, Grimble and welllard define stakeholders analysis as â€Å"a historical approach or procedure for gaining an understanding of a system and assesing the impact of changes to that system† cited in Hardy and Beeton: pg175. And Freeman’s 1984 book Strategic Management – A Stakeholder Approach is often cited as the pivotal study that gave the Stakeholder analysis its momentum as an issue of importance in the organisational context (Freeman and McVea, 2001; Kaler, 2004). Sustainable tourism can simply be defined as Therefore, Canadian Stakeholders are very important when Tourism is critically analysed in Canada, Stakeholders are the most essential group that deal directly with the tourism of any country, proceeding to analysing powerful stakeholders in canada ranging from the the Aboriginals which are the indiginous first people, the Canadian Governments, Tourists, Host Community, Media, British columbia state Governments, Local Authorities and National Park Authorities just to mention a few.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The History Of Medical Compromised Health And Social Care Essay

Correct Answer: Choice A is, harmonizing to wikpedia, symptoms are subjective ailments of the patient such as concern, giddiness, or hurting, normally non subjective to verification by the tester, doctor, tooth doctor, or other healthcare professional. Answer choices B to D are marks. Referemce: hypertext transfer protocol: // 2. Which of the followers is the most of import during an initial patient rating? Critical SignsEstablishing RapportSexual History Chief Ailment Correct Answer: pick B, during an initial patient interaction with a clinician it is imperative to set up respectable resonance that will let the patient to supply inside informations about their medical history that ca n't establish in graphs or scrutinies. Choices A C and D will ne'er happen without the trust of the doctor.Reference: Eval/Risk Assessment Dr. G. Davis An otherwise healthy patient who smokes half a battalion of coffin nails a twenty-four hours has which ASA categorization? ASA IASAIIASA III ASA IV Correct Answer: Choice B, ASA II is a patient with a mild systemic disease. For case: tobacco users, minimum imbibing, pregnant, fleshiness, good controlled high blood pressure, and minor lung disease. ASA I are healthy non-smokers or minimum drinkers. ASA III are patients with terrible systemic disease non disabling ; for illustration, diabetes, ill controlled high blood pressure, and distant history of myocardial infarction. ASA IV are patient with terrible systemic disease that is a changeless menace to life. Mention: American Society of Anesthesiology. hypertext transfer protocol: // After sing your patient ‘s bird's-eye radiogram, you discover and diagnose the presence of calcified atheromas in her carotid arterias. What measure should you take following? Continue with dental intervention because there is no demand to be concernedMention the patient to her primary attention doctorAgenda to hold the atheromas removed by an unwritten sawbones Ignore the find because it is beyond your range of preparation Correct Answer: Choice B, if a clinician notices oppositive findings that could be endangering to the patient ‘s life they are to instantly mention the patient to their primary attention doctor. Choices A, C and D could take to a unfavourable result for either the clinician or patient. Mention: Evaluation & A ; Risk Assessment slide 14 Dr. Davis In which of the undermentioned classs should a patient ‘s main ailment be written?SubjectiveAim Appraisal Planned Correct Answer: Choice A, the subjective part of a SOAP note explains the patient ‘s main ailment. Objective part of a SOAP note is for critical marks, medicine, and other marks observed by the clinician. Assessment is for the clinician diagnosing. Plan is for intervention done during the assignment and any future intervention scheduled. Mention: Evaluation & A ; Risk Assessment slide 18 Dr. G Davis Which of the undermentioned conditions do NOT necessitate antibiotic prophylaxis? Artificial bosom valvesMitral Valve StenosisCongenital bosom defects Hip replacing six months ago Correct Answer: B, Mitral valve stricture. Cardiovascular conditions associated with the highest hazard of inauspicious result from endocarditis for which prophylaxis with dental processs is recommended harmonizing to the American Heart Association. Prosthetic Cardiac Valve, # 2 Previous Infective Endocarditis # 3 Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiac Transplantation, Dental Management of the Medically compromised patient, page 28, BOX 2-1. Mitral valve Stenosis is NOT one of these Conditionss Which of the undermentioned agents is used to pull off a patient with an overdose of Coumadin? NaloxoneAqua MephytonDisulfiram Naltrexone Correct Answer: Choice B is used to handle Coumadin overdose. Choice A is wrong because is used to change by reversal the effects of respiratory depression overdose. Choice C is used for intoxicant overdose and pick D, Naltrexone has similar consequence to Narcan, in that is It is used for handling chronic alcohol addiction and for rapid opioid detoxification. Lippincott ‘s Illustrated Reviews ; Pharmacology 3rd edition. Which of the undermentioned represents an ideal thrombocyte counts? 50,000 100,000300,000500,000 Correct Answer: Choice C, normal thrombocyte counts is 150,000- 400,000. Mention: chmaier AH. Laboratory rating of styptic and thrombotic upsets. In: Hoffman R, Benz EJ Jr, Shattil SJ, et Al, explosive detection systems. Hoffman Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 5th erectile dysfunction. Philadelphia, Pa: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier ; 2008: fellow 122. What is the INR of a normal healthy patient? 012 3 4 Mention: Dr. Davis said this in a talk. Which of the undermentioned drugs will ensue in respiratory depression during an overdose? BenzodiazepinesBarbituratesNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Albuterol Correct Answer: Choice B, Barbiturates suppress the hypoxic and chemoreceptor response to CO2 and overdose is followed by respiratory depression and decease. Mention: A Miller LG, Deutsch SI, Greenblatt DJ, Paul SM, Shader RI ( 1988 ) . â€Å" Acute barbiturate disposal increases benzodiazepine receptor binding in vivo † .Psychopharmacology ( Berl. ) A 96A ( 3 ) : 385-90. What is another name for rapid external respiration?TachypneaDiaphoretic Tachycardia Ptyalism Correct Answer: Choice A, harmonizing to wikipedia, from the Greek dictionary tachy means rapid and pena agencies take a breathing. The wrong picks, sudorific: inordinate perspiration. Tachycardia: Increase Heart Rate, ptyalism: extra spit. Mention: Wikipedia subscribers. â€Å" Diaphoresis. † Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 8 Jan. 2013. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. Which of the undermentioned represents a symptom of active TB infection?Night SweatsXerostomia Malena Atelectasis Correct Answer: Choice A, stated in category text book: Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient, page 117. Choice B, Xerostomia is common among autoimmune, such as Sjorgen. Choice C, refers the show of fecal matters due to GI shed blooding. Atelectasis is the prostration of the lungs due to hapless wetting agent or squamous cell carcinoma. Refrence: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // # Causes and hypertext transfer protocol: // Which of the followers has a normal scope which last between eleven and sixteen seconds?Prothrombin TimePartial Thromboplastin Time Bleeding Time All above Correct Answers: Choice A, the normal PT clip is 11-15. Choice B, PTT clip is 20-35 seconds and hemorrhage clip if from 2-7 proceedingss. Which of the undermentioned conditions are you 3 % likely to contract by a needle stick? Hepatitis DHepatitis CHepatitis B Hiv Correct Answers: Choice B Hepatitis C is contracted # % by needle sticks. The wrong replies of hepatitis B and HIV per centums are 30 % and.3 % severally. Mention: As stated in category: Class Discussion, Dr. Davis. Which of the following values represent a normal healthy scope for HbA1c?4 %6.5 % 7 % 10 % Correct Answer: Choice A, a normal HbA1c 4 % -5.9 % . Mention: Wikipedia subscribers. â€Å" Glycated haemoglobin. † Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 29 Jan. 2013. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. Which of the undermentioned conditions will NOT take to nephritic failure? Systemic lupus erythematosusBrown ‘s Tumor of hyperparathyroidismGlomerulonephritis High blood pressure Correct Answer: Choice B, Brown ‘s Tumor is a status associated with nephritic failure, nevertheless it does non take to it. Mention: Dental Management of the Medically Compromise Patient, page 181 What is the term to a transplant from an indistinguishable twin? Autograft HomograftIsograftHeterograft Correct Answer Choice C ; isograft is a transplant of tissue between two persons who are genetically indistinguishable. An autoplasty is the organ transplant of variety meats, tissues or even proteins from one portion of the organic structure to another in the same person. A allograft is the organ transplant of cells, tissues, or variety meats, to a receiver from a genetically non-identical giver of the same species. A heterograft is the organ transplant of life cells, tissues or variety meats from one species to another. Mention: Wikipedia. hypertext transfer protocol: // Which of the undermentioned represent a common side consequence of the drug Rifadin? Addictive belongingssRed pissDecrease Oxygen impregnation Blurred vision Correct Answer: Choice B is right. Rifampin is an intensely ruddy solid, and the little fraction which reaches organic structure fluids is known for leaving a harmless red-orange colour to the piss ( and to a lesser extent, besides perspiration and cryings ) of users, for a few hours after a dosage. Mention: Wikipedia. hypertext transfer protocol: // Which of the undermentioned statements should a clinician support in head when utilizing a pulsation oximeter? The usage of pulse oximeters exposes patients to extra radiation Pulse oximeters should non be used on dialysis patientsPulse oximeter reading have a delayed feedbackNever topographic point a pulse oximeter on the patient ‘s index finger Correct reply: C, The pulsation oximeter reading has a delayed feedback due to the signal averaging. There is a hold after a the existent O impregnation starts to drop. Choices A and B are non true. Choice D is the non replying the inquiry but is true statement. Mention: Downs JB, Schweiger JW, Miguel RV, Smith RA. Supplemental O impairs sensing of hypoventilation by pulse oximetry. Chest 2004 ; 126:1552-8 Scrofula is a status caused by which of the following beings?Mycobacteria TBStaphylococcus Aureus Mycoplasma Pneumonia Candida Albicas Correct reply: A, Scrofula in grownups is most frequently caused by Mycobacterium TB, which is contracted by take a breathing in air that is infected by M. TB. Choice B, S.aureus is related osteomyelitis, bacteriemia or TSS. Choice, C M. pneumonia is known to do pneumonia. Choice D, Candida Albicans is a commensal fungi apart of the normal vegetation ; nevertheless, higher colonisation exist in HIV patients. Mention: Werrett, Simon. â€Å" Mending the Nation ‘s Wounds: Royal Ritual and Experimental Philosophy in Restoration England. â€Å" History of ScienceA 38 ( 2000 ) : 377-99. Which of the followers is likely to happen in patients with struma? Enlarged salivary secretory organsCervical lymphadenopathyCongenital sightlessness Premature loss of dentitions Correct Answer: B, Cervical lymphadenopathy is the most common mark that appears in patients enduring from struma ; in add-on, struma is accompanied by febrilities, weight loss and icinesss. Choice A, enlarged salivary secretory organs, occurs in Sjogrens syndrome. Choice C, Congenital sightlessness occurs in inborn German measles syndrome. Choice D, premature loss of teeth occurs normally due to trauma. Mention: Werrett, Simon. â€Å" Mending the Nation ‘s Wounds: Royal Ritual and Experimental Philosophy in Restoration England. â€Å" History of ScienceA 38 ( 2000 ) : 377-99. What per centum of O is in the ambiance? 15 % 18 %21 %24 % 30 % Correct Answer: C, 21 % Cook & A ; Lauer 1968, p.500 How frequently should breaths be given when executing CPR? Equally frequently as possible After every 60 secondsAfter 30 thorax compactionsAfter 10 thorax compresssions Correct Answer: After 30 thorax compactions, when preforming CPR the pathophysiologic thought is to manually pump oxygenated blood and maintain cardiac end product to of import variety meats. When take a breathing into the victim, this is a signifier of supplying unreal respiration. Choice A is wrong because CPR consist of jumping rhythms of compactions and breaths, therefore breaths can non be given every bit frequently as possible. Choice B, After every 60 seconds, is wrong, In a CPR 60 2nd interval a first respondent should hold given 100 compactions. Choice D of 10 compactions is the incorrect figure. Mentions: â€Å" Highlights of the 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC † ( pdf ) .A American Heart Association. How should patient holding a laryngospasm be managed? Epinephrine admistrationProvide positive air force per unit areaSupply an inhalator Stand clear until the individual settles down Correct Answer: B, The direction of a laryngospasm consists of supplying positive air force per unit area ( PAP ) . Laryngospasms are a prolong musculus contraction of the laryngeal cords, because the episode typically last less than 60 seconds, a PAP airing is usefully in similar ague respiratory failure. Choice A of adrenaline is merely used during laryngospasm due to vocal cord hydrops. Choice C, provides an inhalator, is wrong because most inhalators block the beta-2 receptor and therefore take to bronchoconstriction. Choice D, stand clear until the individual settles down is ne'er the right pick. Mention: hypertext transfer protocol: // What measurings are captured when utilizing a sphygmomanometer? Respiratory volume Temperature Oxygen ImpregnationBlood PressureCorrect Answer: D, Sphygmomanometer is used to mensurate blood force per unit area. The turnup is placed on the upper arm at the same tallness as the bosom. Cuff sizes are besides of import, excessively little a cuff consequences in high force per unit area & A ; excessively big a turnup consequences in excessively low a force per unit area. Respiratory volumes are measured spirometer, Temperature is measured utilizing a thermometer and O impregnation is measured utilizing a pulse oximeter. Mention: A Misrin, J.A † Aneroid Sphygmomanometer: A Battle for Safer Blood Pressure Apparatus † . Retrieved 27 February 2012. Which of the undermentioned blood force per unit area reading represents the ideal definition of a individual with phase one high blood pressure?142/96mmHg125/94mmHg 165/91mmHg 119/79mmHg Correct Answer: A, 142/96 mmHg harmonizing to the, phase one high blood pressure is classified by a systole reading that lies between 140-159 and a diastole reading of 90-99. Choice B, 125/94mmHg is a reading that is classified as pre-hypertension. Choice C, 165/91mmHg is classified is stage 2 high blood pressure and Choice D. 119/79 is normal. Which of the undermentioned represents the lowest reading of a patient at hazard for cardiovascular disease? 120/80mmHg 117/76mmHg115/75mmHg125/85mmHg Correct Answer: Harmonizing to the Mayo Clinic and Dental Management of the Medically Compromise Patient, chapter 27. Which of the followers is NOT a symptom of high blood pressure? DizzinessNauseaConcern Tinnitus Correct Answer: Nausea, is the lone symptom among the list that is non experience by patients with high blood pressure harmonizing to hypertext transfer protocol: // and Dental Management of the Medically Compromise Patient, page 40. Which of the followers may ensue of two carpules of 2 % lidocaine 1:100,000 adrenaline were accidently injected via IV to a patient taking propranolol? Elevated blood force per unit area and tachycardiaElevated blood force per unit area and compensatory bradycardiaDecreased blood and tachycardia Decreased blood and compensatory bradycardia Correct Answer: Choice B, elevated blood force per unit area and compensatory bradycardia would happen and take to cardiovascular prostration & A ; cardiac apprehension. Choice C & A ; D are the opposite effects that would happen. Choice A is wrong because the compensatory reaction of tachycardia is wrong. What is the approximative per centum of the United States citizens with high blood force per unit area? 15 % 25 %33 %40 % 50 % Correct Answer: Choice C, 33 % is the right reply harmonizing the Where is lidocaine metabolized?KidneyBone Lungs Blood watercourse Correct Answer: Choice A, stated by Dr. Davis in category During which of the undermentioned alveolar consonant processs is it recommended to supply antibiotic prophylaxis for patients with non-valvular cardiovascular devices? Multiple extractionsIncision and drainageEveryday dentition cleansing While mensurating examining deepnesss Correct Answer: Choice B, Harmonizing to Dental Management of the Medically Compromise Patient, page 34. Choice A, C & A ; D where non recommended. Patients who have received a nephritic graft are likely to hold gingival hyperplasia due to which of the followers?CyclosporineDiphenylhydantoin Amlodipine Diphenylhydantoin Correct Answer: Choice A, cyclosporine is given to patients with nephritic grafts and they may exhibit gingival enlargement page 197 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients. Choice B, Phenytoin is wrong because it is a drug known to predispose patients to gingival hyperplasia but it is non prescribed to patients with nephritic graft ; it is an antiepileptic drug, besides used for dialysis remotion page 198. Choice C, Amlodipine is wrong because it is a Ca channel blocker, which unwritten visual aspect is gingival expansion. However this drug is given to patients who have high blood pressure page 43. Choice D, Dilantin is wrong because it is the same as Phenytoin for the grounds stated above page 615 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th edition under Which of the undermentioned tooth formations has NO associations with inborn poxs? Hutchinson ‘s incisors Screw-Driver incisorsPeg lateralsMulberry grinders Correct Answer: Choice C, nog laterals is the right reply because it non related to inborn pox it is a job in the development of the maxillary sidelong incisors which appear smaller than normal. Choice A, Hutchinson ‘s three of inborn poxs along with interstitial keratitis of the cornea causes hearing loss and dental abnormalcies such as mulberry grinder. Choice B, screw-drivers incisors is wrong reply due to the fact that they are dental defects besides seen in inborn pox and caused by direct invasion of tooth sources by Treponema beings because they can traverse the placenta. Mention: page 205 Chapter 13 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th edition. Which of the undermentioned conditions is NOT associated with HHV-4?Kaposi SarcomaInfectious glandular fever Nasopharyngeal malignant neoplastic disease Oral hairy leukoplakia Correct Answer: Choice A, . Kaposi Sarcoma is the right reply because it is associated with HIV-8 non HIV-4 pg. 207 chapter 13 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 8th edition. B. Infectious glandular fever is non the correct reply because it is caused 90 % of instances by EBV or HHV-4, a lymphotropic herpesvirus pg. 209 chapter 13 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 8th editionC. Nasopharyngeal malignant neoplastic disease is wrong because it is related to patients with HHV-4 hypertext transfer protocol: // D. Oral hairy leukoplakia is wrong because it is associated with EBV after recovery pg. 215 Chapter 13 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 8th edition and pg. 297 Chapter 18 Herpes zosters is associated with which of the undermentioned herpes viruses? HHV-1 HHV-2HHV-3HHV-4 Correct Answer: Choice C, HHV-3 is the right reply because it is associated with chickenpox shingles Choice A, HHV-1 is non right because it is simplex virus that causes non-genital herpes simples in worlds, seen in kids and immature Choice B, HHV-2 is non the correct replies because it is a simplex virus besides but associated with venereal infections Choice D, HHV-4 is non right, it is besides known every bit EBV as it was described in old inquiries is a lymphorocryptovirus. Mention: pg. 604 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 8th edition ; hypertext transfer protocol: // grownups ; hypertext transfer protocols: // ; hypertext transfer protocol: // and chapter 13 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th edition ; hypertext transfer protocol: // Healthcare employees are required to have a inoculation for which of the followers?HBVHCV Hiv HPV Correct Answer: Choice A, HBV is the right reply because the vaccinum against HBV is recommended to kids, health care and public safety workers with exposure to blood etc. Choice B, HCV is wrong because there is non a vaccinum for Hepatitis C merely for hepatitis A and B. Choice C, HIV is wrong because there is non a vaccinum for HIV for cut downing hazard, and cosmopolitan safeguards are to follow. Choice D, HPV incorrect because there is a vaccinum to assist forestalling some human papillomavirus but it is non required to wellness attention employees. Mentions: pg. 150 chapter 10 of Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 8th edition and it is besides recognized as effectual defence against HBV infection found in hypertext transfer protocol: // ; hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Kay % 20OSHA % 20Training % 20Handout.pdf What is the best manner to pull off a hapless historiographer?Consult with patient ‘s doctorHave patient repetition themselves Have patient speak easy Consult with the patient ‘s partner Correct Answer: Choice A, Consult with PT doctor is the right reply because it is the best manner to guarantee about the medical fortunes of the patient like the medicines. Asking for the patient ‘s PCP information for future mention is portion of the medical history, which was conferred in an earlier talk Under Management Poor Historian. Choice B, have a patient repetition themselves is wrong because the patient may repeat something that he/she is diffident about is non utile. Choice C, have patient speak slowly is non the correct reply because the patient once more does n't retrieve the medical history so it would non give us any information. Choice D, consult with patient ‘s partner is non the right reply ; nevertheless, this can be a right pick if the spouse is lawfully lawful to talk on behalf of the patient, but this is non ever the instance so the best manner is ever consult with patient ‘s doctor this was discussed in the first talk under direction hapless h istoriographer. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th erectile dysfunctions Which type of medicines should a tooth doctor papers? Prescribed Over- the-Counter Multivitamins Herbal addendumsAll of the aboveCorrect Answer: Choice E, all of the undermentioned drugs that the patient is taking should be acknowledged and examined for actions, inauspicious side effects and contraindications. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th erectile dysfunctions Which of the undermentioned ASA categorizations represents individual who is brain-dead? ASA I ASA III ASA VASA VICorrect Answer: Choice D, ASA I is a normal healthy patient with no organic, physiological or psychiatric perturbation. ASA III are patients with terrible systemic disease. These patients have some functional restrictions but no major danger of decease. EG controlled congestive bosom failure, stable angina, old bosom onslaught, ill controlled high blood pressure, morbid fleshiness etc. ASA V is a stagnant patient who is non expected to last without the operation. This patient has at hand hazard of decease, multi-organ failure, sepsis etc. ASA VI is a patient declared encephalon dead whose variety meats are removed for giver intents. Mention: hypertext transfer protocol: // Which of the undermentioned ASA categorizations represent a normal healthy patient?ASA IASA III ASA V ASA VI Correct Answer: Choice A, ASA I is a normal healthy patient. ASA III patients suffer from a terrible systemic disease. These patients have some functional boundaries, nevertheless no cardinal danger of decease. ASA V is a morbid patient who is non expected to last without an operation and is impending upon decease and multi-organ failure. ASA VI is a patient acknowledged as encephalon dead. Mention: hypertext transfer protocol: // Which of the followers is an illustration of a symptom?PainJaundice Heat Heart Murmur Correct Answer: Choice A, symptoms are as any characteristic which is noticed by the patient. A mark is noticed by the doctor. Jaundice, heat and bosom mutter are marks because they are noticeable by others, such as the physician Mention: hypertext transfer protocol: // The wont of masticating beetling British pound should be documented under which class Chief ailmentSocial HistoryDental history Family history Correct Answer: Choice B, The Social history is the turn toing familial, professional, and leisure facets of the patient ‘s personal life that have the possible to be clinically important. Dental history references past dental processs and jobs. Medical history is information gained by the doctor by examining the patient. History of present unwellness, household diseases and societal history inquiries are included. Family history adresses upsets from inherited from blood relations of the patient have suffered. Mentions: hypertext transfer protocol: // What is the approximative overall U.S. mortality rate of morbific endocarditis 10 % 20 % 30 %40 %Correct Answer: Choice D, morbific endocarditis affects more than 15000 patients yearly in the U.S. and mortality rate is 40 % . Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th erectile dysfunctions What is the most common mark of a morbific endocarditis? Osler ‘s nodes Roth musca volitanssFeverClubbing of the figure Correct Answer: Choice C, fever. The most common indexs of morbific endocarditis are fever, bosom mutter, and positive blood civilization. Roth musca volitanss are found on the retina, and clubbing of the figures are marks of morbific endocarditis Osler ‘s nodes are found on the fingers. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th ed page 25 Which of the followers has the higher frequence of doing bacteriemia? Rubber dike matrix with cuneus arrangement Chewing nutrient Root canal therapyToothbrushing and flossingCorrect Answer: Choice D, tooth brushing and flossing. Tooth brushing and flossing can take bacteriemia ; in add-on, there is a 68 % opportunity of undertaking bacteriemia. Choice B, masticating nutrient has up to 51 % opportunity of doing bacteriums. Choice A, the gum elastic dike and cuneus arrangement has a 32 % opportunity, and pick C, root canal therapy has up to 20 % opportunity. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th ed page 28 Which of the following have the highest life-time hazard of geting morbific endocarditis? Arthritic bosom diseaseHistory of old endocarditisPatients with mechanical valves Mitral valve prolapsed with regurgitation Correct Answer: Choice B, history of old endocarditis 740 people for every 100,000 incidence of morbific endocarditis. Choice D, mitral valve prolapsed with regurgitation 52 people for every 100,000 incidence. Choice A, Rheumatic febrility has 380-440 people for every 100,000 incidence, patients with mechanical valves 308-383/100k incidence. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th ed page 21 The extremum plasma concentration of two gms of Amoxil is reach at about two hours after unwritten disposal. How long does an acceptable MIC for 2g of Amoxil last? Two hours Four HourssSix HourssEight Hourss Correct Answer: Choice C, Six hr is how long 2g should hold and acceptable MIC for. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th ed page 32 What is the name given to a transplant that is taken from a different species? Autograft AlloplastHeterograftIsograft Correct Answer: Choice C, A Xenograft is from a different species. All of the transplants mentioned are types of grafts. Choice A, an autoplasty comes from ego. Choice B, an alloplast is from a man-made beginning. Choice D, is an isograft comes from a twin. Mention: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th ed page 36. Which of the followers is NOT caused by HPV? Heck ‘s Disease Squamous Cell CarcinomaOral Hairy LeukoplakiaSquamous Papilloma Correct Answer: Choice C, Oral Hairy Leukoplakia is caused by Epstein-Barr virus and HIV. Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Squamous villoma and Heck ‘s Disease are all caused by an infection with HPV. Mentions: Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients 7th erectile dysfunctions. hypertext transfer protocol: // % 27s_disease, hypertext transfer protocol: //, hypertext transfer protocol: //

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Modest Proposal Questions Essay

1.The initiator perceived that the worst problems in Dublin were the poverty level being very high and that poor children are a burden to their parents because of the cost to take care of them. The issues that trouble him make him appear to be someone who cares about the economic well being of his country but not the well being of the people because he sees poor children as a burden to their families and society. 2.The initiator uses a serious tone to explain his solution and six main methods to try to persuade readers to accept his proposal. He states his solution would decrease the amount of Roman Catholics, the poor would have some money to pay their landlord, and the economy would grow. He also declares that the parents would no longer have to take care of their child after year one, a new popular food would be created, and there would also be an increase the tenderness of mothers towards their children. 3.Breeder frequently replaces mother in the proposal creating the perception that the initiator sees people as numbers; he doesn’t see people for who they are. 4.The expert is a cannibal, which suggests that the initiator is a cannibal or is exceptive of cannibalism. 5.Being a satire, A Modest Proposal, is an ironic title because the solution the initiator proposes is anything but modest, since he suggests roasting children. Although, the author also makes the initiator’s solution sound ridiculous to create the idea that readers should pity the poor Irish, creating a modest proposal. Being modest is being humble and Swift’s proposal to feel bad for the poor isn’t asking much. 6.a. Some shocking details of life the essay reveals would be that some poor Irish woman are selling themselves to planters in Barbados, Ireland is in a horrible economic situation and that England is oppressing Ireland. b. The previous details cause the reader to feel sympathy for th e Irish people in their time of hardship and disregard the proposal of the initiator because he is probably of wealth since his attitude is insensitive. 7. Swift intends for the reader to disregard the proposed solution of the initiator and accept the modest proposal. Swift uses the outlandish remarks of the initiator to create the feeling of sorrow for the Irish people due to their poverty and their struggles with England. 8. The major targets of this satire would be the wealthy and the noblemen because the satire mocks the heartless attitude towards the poor that the rich exude. The Irish are responsible for their sorry situation because Ireland doesn’t export enough goods, which harms their economy and as well as the fact that the Irish sell their goods for more than they are worth, but not many people can afford their high prices. Another way the Irish are accountable for their own plight is because poor people continue to have children that they cannot afford to take care of.

Friday, September 13, 2019

What is 'new' about the 'New Woman' Discuss the challenges posed by Essay

What is 'new' about the 'New Woman' Discuss the challenges posed by the emergenceof this figure in late Victorian literature - Essay Example of new genres of women’s fiction – women’s ‘sensation’ novel of the 1860s and the ‘new woman’ novel of the 1890s – as well as the emergence of a ‘new’ kind of woman in literature and society, challenging the Victorian social ideals and perceptions of femininity. [Pykett, 1992] While the sensation heroines, as Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Isabel Sleaford in ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ and Aurora in ‘Aurora Floyd’ present shades of a new kind of woman – â€Å"a woman who cannot easily be accommodated either to the category of normal, proper femininity, nor to that of deviant, improper femininity,† [Pykett, 1992; p. 19] the ‘new woman’ heroines of the 1880s and 1890s, as Lyndall in Olive Schreiner’s autobiographical novel ‘The Story of an African Farm’, presents more powerful, fiercely independent and more â€Å"seriously feminist† representation of women. Though Lyndall is more often referred to as the â€Å"best example† of the â€Å"new woman’ in English novel, [Monsman, 1985; p. 262] Braddon’s Isabel and Aurora Floyd are more subtler representations of an evolving, new femininity, at odds with the Victorian perceptions of femininity. It may be fascinat ing to analyse the development of this new femininity and representations of ‘new woman’ in literature, as women writers of the late -Victorian era defined and redefined femininity. As one attempts to understand the ‘new’-ness of the ‘new woman’ and the challenges posed by these representations in literature, it may be worthwhile to examine how the ‘new woman’ is described, as well as analyse the construct of this figure in literature in relation to the perceptions of femininity in their days. Smith Rosenberg explains that the New Woman was primarily a representation-- ‘a condensed symbol of disorder and rebellion,’ [In Pykett, 1992; p.137-38] actively produced and reproduced in the print media and in novels. From a more realistic perception the New Woman is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Comparative Economic Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparative Economic Systems - Essay Example While proponents of this global economic model argue that this is the best possible system, there are also those who strongly oppose various aspects of this system. Taking a historical perspective, we see that the events of the two centuries are shaped and defined by the practice of capitalism. In a way, the peaking of European colonialism coincided with the consolidation of capitalist economic theory, which ultimately replaced it. In other words, the power and influence wielded by large multinational corporations today (which are the faà §ade of global capitalism) is nothing short of a variant of imperialism. While conceding that concentrations of power and finance in and of themselves do not lead to oppression and injustice, empirical evidence of the workings of the capitalist model suggests such an outcome. Similarly, while neo-liberal economic paradigm might have improved the Gross National Products of individual nations and improved the general standards of living, there are ot her aspects to human wellbeing that is not easily measured and fulfilled (Dixon, 1998, p.125). For instance, when assessing economic systems, it is only logical to consider the consequences to the environment alongside measures of human standard of living. There is an emerging consensus among intellectuals and research scholars that there is indeed a strong correlation between the two concepts. In other words, it is rarely a coincidence that poverty thrives in hostile geographies and that affluence is usually seen in ambient landscapes. Apart from the literal sense of the word, ‘environment’ could also be taken to mean the political and socio-cultural context of a particular geographic space. Further, global capitalism has led to the practice of exploitation of cheap labor offered by Third World nations. So, while global capitalism is further developing the length and breadth of its reach, it benefits certain

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Joural 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joural 1 - Research Paper Example Voice overs or lectures were used as the common mode of giving the motion pictures substance and for increasing theatrical effect for the audiences. Through the study of various journals and documentary evidence, Silent era cinema can be insightful into the evolution of cinema in America and the world. Eadweard Muybridge is touted as the pioneer of motion pictures when he introduced series photography, which is cited as a significant contribution to the development of motion pictures. The Lumiere brothers invented the Cinematographe, which was filming device for shooting, projecting and printing motion pictures (Musser 59). Thus, these two individuals are credited for being the true fathers of cinema. The first films were referred to as ‘actualities’ maybe because of their depiction of the real life events that portrayed a semblance of reality to their audience. The use of the Lumiere Brothers’ invention made it possible for films to be exhibited to large audiences and for commercial purposes (Wasko 64). This led to the establishment of film companies and notable among them was the Edison Film Company that existed from 1893 to 1906. Early films from the Edison Company include Exiting the Factory, Arrival of a Train at La Ciota and Baby’s Lunch. Early wer e shots of everyday life activities and experiences, which run for less a minute and no more than 3 minutes to audiences mostly on shop front exhibitions (Everson 69). The emergence of the acting business is attributed to Edison through his films like Blacksmithing Scene, Three American Beauties and The Gay Shoe Clerk. These films were acted people who purposely participated in the film making exercise to earn an income out of their ability to produce desired outcomes for their intended audience. Another significant aspect of the Silent era of cinema is that it was mainly based in New York unlike today’s film industry that is predominantly based in Hollywood, California

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Country's economy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Country's economy - Case Study Example The Figure below shows the economic growth in eight major countries from 1870 to 1996. In 1870, Australia was the richest economy whereas Japan was the poorest economy of the sixteen major economies of that time. In the same year, Australia’s real GDP per capita was almost five times that of Japan. Over the following 126 years, Australia’s economy grew by 1.3% which allowed real GDP per capita to increase by 5 times. However, during the same time, Japan’s economy grew by 2.7% which allowed its real GDP per capita to advance by 28 times. Likewise, Figure 11 also shows the progress made by United States from 1870 to 1996. The long-run rate of economic growth of the American economy was 1.7% which allowed it to raise its living standards by 8 times in 126 years. Therefore, the long-run rate of economic growth is an important measure of the nation’s wealth. (Bernanke, 2003) Figure 1: Economic Growth in Eight Major Countries The output of the economy depends up on the quality and quantity of labor and capital and on their productivity. If the inputs are constant, there is no economic growth in the country. Therefore, one of the inputs has to change along with the productivity for a healthier growth rate. The relationship between inputs and outputs of the economy are reflected in the following equation; which also shows the important factors that affect the long-run rate of economic growth. (Bernanke, 2003) Y= AF (K, N) Where: Y = Output of the economy A = Productivity N = Labor K = Capital Requirements Labor Labor refers to the working force of the nation-be it skilled, semi skilled or unskilled. Labor is one of the most important inputs into the economy. A skilled, educated labor force makes a strong contribution to the other factors of the economy. Along with them, the economy also requires semi-skilled and unskilled labor. However, the most important thing is their constant supply to the market. Similarly, the skills acquire must match the demand of the economy. (Bernanke, 2003) Technological Progress Technological progress refers to the ability of the nation to adapt to update infrastructure and equipments. No country can expect to progress without the necessary infrastructure for specific technology. In our globalized world, the economy needs to incorporate up-to-date technology replacing the obsolete machines to match the increasing demands. The smooth flow with the technological progress allows making the necessary progress. (Bernanke, 2003) Investment Investment refers to the capital requirements of the growing economy. The country needs consistent investment to make remarkable progress and achieve long-run rate of economic growth. Therefore, the nation needs to establish an environment that allows the continuous flow of foreign direct investment into the country and a credit history that allows it to raise the debt when needed. However, there needs to be sustainable amount of debt so that it does not hamper the growth in the long run. (Bernanke, 2003) Productivity It is another important factor for consistent long-run growth rate. This component refers to increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the same labor and capital inputs. Therefore, if the productivity of the nation increases keeping the labor and capital same, the economy will growth by a certain factor. (Bernanke, 2003) Answer 2 Gross Domestic Output (GDP) is defined as market value of all the goods and services produced by a particular nation within the domestic boundaries. (Amadea, 2011) There are four components of the GDP as shown in the following equation: Y = C + I + G + X Where Y = Total output C = Personal consumption expenditures I = Investment G = Government spending X =

Monday, September 9, 2019

Statistical techniques in engineering Management Essay

Statistical techniques in engineering Management - Essay Example (d) Since central limit theorem uses a sample of the population that is chosen at random it will not affect the location and the spread of the data. The data will follow the same normal distribution curve as the entire population. The mean, median and mode will be the same or approximately the same as that of the entire population. (b) Fixation indices- is the description of the expected level of heterozygosity in a given data. It is used to determine or measure the correlation between data drawn from different levels of a subdivided entire set of data. (c) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)- is set of statistical models and the procedures entailed, in which the variance in one variable is subdivided to different sources of variations. It is commonly used to test average of different groups of set of data. Because if the process inputs are correct and accurate, if the method of calculating and analyzing are correct the process output will be accurate or near accurate. If you concentrate on a process output the inputs might not be correct and even with the correct analysis the the output is bound to be wrong and therefore misleading. (a) Primary Data-this kind of data is collected specifically with its objective in mind. It was collected for a specific purpose. An example is data collected from staff or clients in form of questionnaires or data collected from the variation of a product in a manufacturing process. (b) Secondary data- is data that was collected for a specific purpose but now it is being reused for another different method. For example using questionnaires and initial analysis to calculate the viability of something new or use of initial set of variations results of a product to predict the likelihood of it occurring

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Business ethics and law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business ethics and law - Essay Example The current business market in the United Kingdom has become a very competitive one. Companies are going to great extents in order to attract the customers to their services and products. This competition is very healthy for the generation of a profit making market that has got fair services for the consumers The competitive nature of these markets also helps with the improvement of the quality of the services and the products that the different companies and organizations make available for their customers. It is the social responsibilities of these businesses to use the resources that are in their disposal and engage themselves in activities that will increase the generation of profits. However, these activities have got to stay within the laws that have been set by the government regarding the ethical conduct of the businesses. This paper will focus on this law and how they do help in the creation of a free and fair competitive market for all the businesses in the United Kingdom. Business ethics and the legal implications that accompany it have become one of the most important factors in the UK market today. These business ethics and laws have got a very important role to play in terms of controlling the conduct of the competition between these businesses. The laws that have been set solely focus on the growth of ethical elements in the markets in order to allow for a fair conduct of trade and business (Bantekas, 2004). These laws do cover the social responsibility and principles which govern the competitive markets for the businesses in order to create a smooth platform for the conduct of trade. This also serves as a means of protecting the consumers from extortion and cheating by these businesses which might seek to take advantage of them in the name of being competitive and trying to win them over. The social responsibility of these laws is to create an environment where there is there is balance in between the employees of the companies, the stakeholders and the customers. Each one of these three members is entitle to fair services in the business market regardless of the competition (Maloni & Brown, 2006). Observation of the business laws and ethical conducts when it comes to the operational activities is very important. Management of any business has got the responsibility of acting in ways which ethical in making the decisions on how to go about the operational activities of a company. The operational activities need to be considerate of the greater good of not only the organization but that of its employees as well (Trevio & Nelson, 2007). The managers have thus got the responsibility of watching out on how they behave towards the employees since that might impact their reaction either negatively or positively. One of the primary roles of the business laws in the UK is to enable the managers demonstrate the right type of behavior towards their employees especially when addressing them on how to go about the operational activiti es of the company. The managers have got to be keen not to overwork these employees in the name of making profits for the company (Moser, 2009). Business laws and ethics are always looking for ways through which competitive advantage can be created in the UK market (Hartman, 2008). Thus, the business ethics do come up with imaginations that have been collectively multifaceted. These imaginations in the market are complicated so as to enable them grow significantly with time in the businesses. The competition levels in the markets force most of the managers to make some very radical decisions regarding the company (Henry, 2012). All this is usually aimed at making the business more competitive in the market. However, some of these decisions made might create a conflict between the managers and the shareholders. This is because of issues arising from trust and honesty. The shareholders might think that the managers are making these decisions in order for